Journal Information
IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine (CLOUD)
Call For Papers
 IEEE Cloud Computing is committed to the timely publication of peer-reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas, applications results, and case studies in all areas of cloud computing.

Topics relating to novel theory, algorithms, performance analyses and applications of techniques are covered.

    Cloud architectures (delivery models and deployments),
    Cloud management (balancing automation and robustness with monitoring and maintenance),
    Cloud security and privacy (issues stemming from technology, process and governance, international law, and legal frameworks),
    Cloud services (cloud services drive and are driven by consumer demand; as markets change, so do the types of services being offered),
    Cloud experiences and adoption (deployment scenarios and consumer expectations),
    Cloud and adjacent technology trends (exploring trends in the market and impacts on and influences of cloud computing),
    Cloud economics (direct and indirect costs of cloud computing on the consumer; sustainable models for providers),
    Cloud standardization and compliance (facilitating the standardization of cloud tech and test suites for compliance), and
    Cloud governance (transparency of processes, legal frameworks, and consumer monitoring and reporting).

More specifically: Cloud software; cloud security; trade-offs between privacy and utility of cloud; cloud in the business environment; cloud economics; cloud governance; migrating to the cloud; cloud standards; development tools; backup and recovery; interoperability; applications management; data analytics; communications protocols; mobile cloud; private clouds; liability issues for data loss on clouds; data integration; big data; cloud education; cloud skill sets; cloud energy consumption; the architecture of cloud computing; applications in commerce, education, and industry; infrastructure as a Service (IaaS); Platform as a Service (PaaS); Software as a Service (SaaS); and Business Process as a Service (BPaaS).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-30
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