Journal Information
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS)
Call For Papers
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS)
ISSN : 0976 - 9757 [Online] ; 2229 - 3957 [Print]
Scope & Topics
The growth of Internet and other web technologies requires the development of new algorithms and architectures for parallel and distributed computing. International journal of Distributed and parallel systems is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal aims to publish high quality scientific papers arising from original research and development from the international community in the areas of parallel and distributed systems. IJDPS serves as a platform for engineers and researchers to present new ideas and system technology, with an interactive and friendly, but strongly professional atmosphere.
Topics of interest within the scope of this issue include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Algorithms and Applications:
•	Theory of parallel/distributed computing
•	Parallel algorithms and their implementation
•	Resource allocation and management
•	Task mapping and job scheduling
•	Network routing and communication algorithms
•	Distributed data and knowledge based systems
•	Neural networks
•	Super Computing
•	Personal Computing
•	Pervasive computing
•	Heterogeneous Computing
•	Image processing and computer graphics
•	Database applications and data mining
•	Biological/molecular computing
Networking and Architectures:
•	Wireless networks and Protocols
•	Mobile computing
•	Peer to peer networks
•	ATM networks
•	Optical networks
•	Reliability and fault-tolerance
•	IP/ATM Networks
•	Security
•	Interconnection networks
•	Computer networks
•	Parallel/distributed architectures
•	Communication
•	multimedia Systems
Software Systems and Technologies:
•	Formal methods and programming languages
•	Web technologies
•	Performance evaluation and measurements
•	Tools and environments for software development
•	Visualization
•	Parallel zing compilers
•	Internet computing
•	Component-based and OO Technology
•	optimization
•	Parallel Processing
•	Language, Compliers and Operating systems
•	Reliability, Reusability, Scheduling
•	Modeling and simulation
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail: Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline : Novemeber 19, 2022
Notification                   : December 15, 2022
Final Manuscript Due : December 24, 2022
Publication Date          : Determined by the Editor-in-Chief
For other details please visit:
Submission System

Last updated by Jayden Hunter in 2022-11-14
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