Journal Information
IET Intelligent Transport Systems
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

IET Intelligent Transport Systems is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to research into the practical applications of intelligent transport systems and infrastructures.

The scope of the journal includes the following:

    Sustainable Traffic Solutions
    Deployments with enabling technologies
    Pervasive Monitoring Applications
    Demonstrations and evaluation
    Economic and behavioural analyses of ITS services and scenarios
    Data Integration and analytics
    Information collection and processing
    Image processing applications in ITS
    ITS aspects of electric vehicles
    Intelligent/Autonomous Vehicles
    Connected Vehicle Systems
    In-vehicle ITS, safety and vulnerable road user aspects
    Mobility as a Service Systems
    Traffic management and control
    Public transport systems technologies
    Fleet and public transport logistics
    Emergency and incident management
    Demand management and electronic payment systems
    Traffic related Air Pollution Management
    Policy and institutional issues
    Interoperability, standards and architectures
    Funding scenarios
    Human machine interaction
    Education, training and outreach
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-24
Special Issues
Special Issue on Advancing the Study of Intelligent Transport Systems: Selected Studies from the UTSG
Submission Date: 2025-03-31

Publication: This will be a Virtual Collection. Accepted papers will be published without delay while the Collection remains open for submissions until the deadline. This issue of IET Intelligent Transport Systems will consist of 8-10 selected papers drawn from the 55th Annual Universities’ Transport Study Group Conference, hosted by Cardiff University in July 2023. The Annual International UTSG Conference is the largest academic transport event in the UK and Ireland. It is a forum where researchers come together to discuss research needs, research in progress and recent findings, and to give research students the opportunity to present papers on their work ( We expect more than 80-100 papers to be submitted; the authors of the very best manuscripts that are aligned with the journal’s scope will be invited to have their papers considered for inclusion in this special issue. The papers submitted will be subject to a rigorous review process from the UTSG Executive Committee first and then from your typical review process. The papers of our special issue will reveal the range of academic research within the UTSG community, with differing research approaches and areas of study. The common denominator will be how the advancement of intelligent transport systems research is achieved; thus the title of the special issue. When we have the submissions available we will invite the very best papers to be submitted in IET Intelligent Transport Systems and hopefully we will be able to formulate a more tight thematic direction for the special issue. Our UTSG community will happily help us in building up the special issue by accepting and delivering promptly reviews. Topics for this call for papers include but are not restricted to: Sustainable Traffic Solutions; Deployments with enabling technologies; Demonstrations and evaluation; Economic and behavioural analyses of ITS services and scenarios; Data integration and analytics; Electric vehicles; Intelligent/Autonomous Vehicles; Connected Vehicle Systems; In-vehicle ITS, safety and vulnerable road user aspects; Mobility as a Service Systems; Traffic management and control; Public transport systems technologies; Demand management and electronic payment systems; Transport policy and institutional issues; Human machine interaction; Education, training and outreach. Guest Editors: Ioannis Kaparias University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom Alexandros Nikitas University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, United Kingdom Dimitris Potoglou Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-24
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