Journal Information
Journal of Database Management (JDM)
Impact Factor:
IGI Global
Call For Papers

The Journal of Database Management (JDM) publishes original research on all aspects of database management, systems analysis and design, and software engineering. The primary mission of JDM is to be instrumental in the improvement and development of theory and practice related to information technology and management of information resources. The journal is targeted at both academic researchers and practicing IT professionals.

Mission & Scope:

The Journal of Database Management (JDM) publishes original research on all aspects of database management, design science, systems analysis and design, and software engineering. The primary mission of JDM is to be instrumental in the improvement and development of theory and practice related to information technology, information systems, and management of knowledge resources. The journal is targeted at both academic researchers and practicing IT professionals.


The Journal of Database Management (JDM) publishes three types of rigorous and high quality articles: research articles, research notes, and research reviews. Research articles are full innovative findings that make substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to knowledge in the field by using various theoretical and methodological approaches. Research notes are novel and complete but not as comprehensive as full research articles; they include exploratory studies and methodological articles. Research reviews are insightful and carefully crafted articles that conceptualize research areas, synthesize previous innovative findings, advance the understanding of the field, and identify and develop future research directions. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts that qualify for any of the three categories.

Topics of interest to the journal include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

    Agile systems development
    Artificial intelligence
    Augmented and virtual reality
    Business Analytics
    Business Intelligence
    Cloud computing
    Cognitive modeling
    Conceptual modeling
    Data Science
    Data quality
    Data warehousing and data mining
    Database management and administration
    Database models and query languages
    Database security and integrity
    Design science
    E-business, m-commerce, and social-commerce models and architectures
    Empirical software engineering
    Enterprise systems and supply chain integration
    Financial technology
    Geographical information systems
    Human-computer interaction and user experience
    Heterogeneous and distributed database
    Information and knowledge modeling
    Internet of Things
    Intelligent agents and agent-based applications
    Knowledge engineering and management
    Machine learning
    Method engineering and metamodeling
    Object-oriented methods and methodologies
    Requirements engineering
    Service-oriented architecture/service-oriented computing
    Semantic Web and ontology
    Smart technology
    Software engineering
    System analysis and design
    Unified modeling language and unified process
    Web database and Web-based information systems
    Web design methods and methodologies
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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