Conference Information
Med-Hoc-Net 2018: Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
Submission Date:
2018-03-19 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Capri, Italy
QUALIS: b4   Viewed: 13916   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
In recent years the Internet evolution has undergone a remarkable and unstoppable change of trend, rooted on three main pillars: New technologies (cloud computing, SDN, NFV, etc.), broad connectivity (4G/5G, VANET, FANET, etc.), and the wide deployment of smart edge devices (smart phones, sensors, wearables, etc.), all setting the main concept for the Internet of Things (IoT) and encompassing scenarios such as smart cities, ITS (intelligent transportation systems), smart grid, smart homes, or e-health.

Med-Hoc-Net 2018 extends its focus far beyond traditional networking concepts, highlighting new concepts related to the mentioned three main pillars developed for the future generation of network and cloud computing technologies. Med-Hoc-Net 2018 will accommodate contributions on smart mobile scenarios, focusing on highly relevant developments but also preliminary ideas and concepts in the ICT area, aiming at facilitating the development of new technologies and services with a high societal impact.

Following successful workshops at Sardinia Island (2002), Mahdia (2003), Bodrum (2004), Porquerolles Island (2005), Lipari Island (2006), Corfu Island (2007), Mallorca Island (2008), Haifa (2009), Juan-Les-Pins (2010), Favignana Island (2011), Ayia Napa (2012), Corsica Island (2013), Piran (2014), the Algarve (2015), Barcelona (2016), and Budva (2017), Med-Hoc-Net 2018 will take place on the island of Capri, Italy, in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea.

Topics of interest revolve around ad hoc and mesh networks; for example:

    MAC, routing and transport layer protocols for multi-hop wireless networks
    Wireless sensor networking: Technologies, protocols, etc.
    Vehicular networks
    Smart grid networks
    Cognitive radio networks
    Integration of ad hoc networks with wireless access networks
    Implementations, testbeds, and field tests
    Technology related issues (IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc.)
    Quality of Service
    Optimization models and algorithms
    Energy-efficient networking
    Security and privacy
    Localization and tracking in wireless networks
    Novel communication techniques
    Visible light communication (VLC)
    Software defined networking (SDN)
    Participatory and urban networks
    Underwater wireless networks
    UAVs and Flying ad hoc networks (FANETs)
    Green networking
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-03-13
Acceptance Ratio
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