Conference Information
ICDM' 2024: Industrial Conference on Data Mining Date: |
2024-01-15 |
Notification Date: |
2024-03-20 |
Conference Date: |
2024-07-10 |
Location: |
Dresden, Germany |
Years: |
24 |
Viewed: 29548 Tracked: 18 Attend: 4
Call For Papers
The Aim of the Conference The Industrial conferences on Data Mining ICDM is held on yearly basis. Experts from different fields will present their applications and the results obtained by applying data mining. Besides that, newcomers in the field can get a fast introduction to Data Mining by taking the tutorial running in connection with the conference. In a problem/solution hour you will have the opportunity to present your application and ask for support by others or for cooperation in solving the problem. Topics of the conference Paper submissions should be related but not limited to any of the following topics: Applications of Data Mining in ... Marketing Medicine Civil Engineering E-Commerce (Mining Logfiles) Biotechnology Quality Management Multimedia Data (Image, Video, Text, Signals) Web-Mining Intrusion Detection in Networks Criminology Telecommunications Social Sciences Forensic Data Analysis Drug Discovery Agriculture Smart Maintenance Legal Court Cases Energy Industries Logistics and Supply Chain Management Finance and Stock Markets Meterology, Blockchain and more ... Theoretical and Application-oriented Topics in ... Big Data and Algorithm for Big Data Case-Based Reasoning and Similarity-Based Reasoning Clustering Classification & Prediction Statistical Learning Association Rules Deviation and Novelty Detection Control Charts Conceptional Learning Goodness Measures and Evaluation (e.g. false discovery rates) Inductive Learning Including Decision Tree and Rule Induction Learning Organisational Learning and Evolutional Learning Sampling Methods Similarity Measures and Learning of Similarity Statistical Learning and Neural Net Based Learning Visualization and Data Mining Deviation and Novelty Detection Feature Grouping, Discretization, Selection and Transformation Feature Learning Frequent Pattern Mining Learning and Adaptive Control Learning/Adaption of Recognition and Perception Learning for Handwriting Recognition Learning in Image Pre-Processing and Segmentation Mining Financial or Stockmarket Data Mining Motion from Sequence Subspace Methods Support Vector Machines Time Series and Sequential Pattern Mining Desirabilities Graph Mining Agent Data Mining Applications in Software Testing Knowledge Management Mining Social Media Online Targeting & Controlling Behavioral Targeting Meteorological Data Mining Data Mining in Energy Industry Design of Experiment Strategy of Experimentation Capability Indices Business Intelligence and Data Mining Legal Informatics and Data Mining Data Mining for Logistic and Supply Chain Management
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-05-21
Best Papers
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Computational Statistics | 1.000 | Springer | 0943-4062 | |
Computational Optimization and Applications | 1.600 | Springer | 0926-6003 | |
Social Network Analysis and Mining | 2.300 | Springer | 1869-5450 | |
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports | 31.60 | Elsevier | 0927-796X | |
a | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | 5.300 | Elsevier | 1071-5819 |
c | Natural Computing | 1.700 | Springer | 1567-7818 |
Cryptography and Communications | 1.200 | Springer | 1936-2447 | |
ROBOMECH Journal | 1.500 | Springer | 2197-4225 | |
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Computational Statistics | 1.000 | Springer |
Computational Optimization and Applications | 1.600 | Springer |
Social Network Analysis and Mining | 2.300 | Springer |
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports | 31.60 | Elsevier |
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | 5.300 | Elsevier |
Natural Computing | 1.700 | Springer |
Cryptography and Communications | 1.200 | Springer |
ROBOMECH Journal | 1.500 | Springer |
Microelectronic Engineering | 2.600 | Elsevier |
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology | 2.100 | IEEE |