Conference Information
Web3D 2020: International Symposium on Web3D Technology
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Conference Date:
Seoul, Korea
QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 19971   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Topics and areas for submission  

We welcome all topics related to Web/mobile 3D content creation, 3D printing, publishing technology, tools, and related studies. Use the following list of the topic areas as a reference rather than a limitation.

For domain experts

Algorithms for shape modeling, compression, optimization,analysis, and processing
Novel APIs, toolkits, and frameworks for 3D Web and associated application domains
Semantic Web for 3D objects and scenes
X3D application example

For Web3D application developers

3D content creation and modelling, 3D content scanning/reconstruction/printing
Novel APIs, toolkits, and frameworks for 3D web and associated application domains
AI on Web 3D
Human modeling on Web 3D
Cloud-based rendering and services for large-scale models,animations, and virtual worlds
Streaming, compression, and transmission of 3D content
Virtual humans, avatars, and complex reactive characters
Motion capture for composition and streaming of behaviors and expressions
HTML5 3D, WebGL, glTF and other languages that support the 3D Web/mobile

For Web3D users

Multi-modal 3D interaction paradigms, including spatial UI, gesture and voice.
Visual analytics based on 3D Web technologies.
Diffusion and adoption of 3D Web technologies, comparative studies, historical perspectives, WWW integration.

Novel interactive 3D web applications in all areas and sectors such as entertainment, education, training, cultural heritage, medicine, military, smart-manufacturing / industry 4.0, information & data visualization, science, geographic information systems, digital globes, subsurface exploration and mining, integrated marine data management and visualization, building information modeling(BIM), and architecture.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-06-25
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