Conference Information
CONTENT 2021: International Conference on Creative Content Technologies
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Porto, Portugal
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Call For Papers
The CONTENT 2021 event, The Twelfth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, targets advanced concepts, solutions and applications in producing, transmitting and managing various forms of content and their combination. Multi-cast and uni-cast content distribution, content localization, on-demand or following customer profiles are common challenges for content producers and distributors. Special processing challenges occur when dealing with social, graphic content, animation, speech, voice, image, audio, data, or image contents. Advanced producing and managing mechanisms and methodologies are now embedded in current and soon-to-be solutions.

CONTENT 2021 is aimed at technical papers presenting research and practical results, industrial small- and large-scale systems, challenging applications, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific topics, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the topics, short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.

We solicit both academic, research, and industrial contributions. We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.

Industrial presentations are not subject to the format and content constraints of regular submissions. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status.

Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All topics and submission formats are open to both research and industry contributions.

CONTENT 2021 conference tracks:

BASICS: Content producers/distributors

Product-innovation and creative content platforms; Creative processes; Product and content innovation; Knowledge representation for content creativity; Content injection, cashing, storage, and distribution; Producing and transmitting streaming content; Content localization services; Content and customers profiles; Documenting and content authoring; Authorizing topic-based content; Content customization and metadata; On-demand content; Content retrieval from archives (alarm-based, time stamp-based); Content management solutions and systems; Unstructured content environment; Multi-channel content delivery/publishing strategies; Content reuse

TRENDS: Domains and approaches

Content visualization; Bid data-oriented content; Blog-oriented content; Scenes and scenarios modeling; Background image processing; High-speed signals; Dynamic Big Data; Sparse and dense Datasets; Graph-based content; Mobile content in Smart Cities; Crowd-oriented content; Biological content (genes); Stream data; Text data; Underwater content (images); Geographic and atmospheric content modeling; Interactive evolutionary; Correlations of fixations in Video; Aesthetic analysis of abstract images; Visual saliency models; Color manipulation in images; Video search and analysis; Multimedia-based localization

MUSIC: Music-related content

Music content; Generative Music; Music classification; Content Diffusion Search; Music with Unconventional Computing; Music and Sound composition; Articulatory vocal synthesis; Algorithmic music composers; Generating musical compositions; Generative fusion; Audio feedback systems; Schemographe and Tonal harmony analysis; Virtual melody composers

SOCIAL Social-related content

Perceptual Experience; Perceived Quality Variation; Video Quality Assessment; Object vs. Objectless Motion; Predicting Download Directories; Opinion Propagation in Online Social Networks; Linked Enterprise Data and Web Intelligence; Community Detection; Sentiment-related content; Social semiotic mining; Social tags and Linked Data; Linking Data (social, open, public, and enterprise)

WEBCONTENT: Web content

Architectures and frameworks for Web content ; Web content mining; Content retrieval on multimedia Web; XML and non-XML Web content; Ontology and semantic for processing Web content; Recommenders for Web content; Content-driven workflow design and management; Web content performance, accuracy, security, and reliability; Web content modeling; Web content-based applications; (Semantic) Web Service discovery and selection; Smart Cities data streams integration

GRAPHICS: 3D Graphics

Interactive 3D graphics; High-performance 3D graphics; Mixed and augmented reality; Interactive on-line gaming; Animated humanoids and complex reactive characters; 3D documents and web/multimedia; User-interface for real-time 3D graphics and virtual environments; Innovative 3D web applications /industry, science, medicine, technology, culture/; 3D content creation technologies and tools; Interactive 3D graphics for mobile devices

ANIMA: Animation/cinematography

Computer animation; Computational cinematography; Virtual videography; Autonomous interactive characters; Traditional animation and 3D computer animation; Re-cinematography; Casual video; Cinematography; Image stabilization; Virtual Cinematography; Relighting through computation

MEDIMA: Medical image producing, transmission and management

Medical image devices, mechanisms and procedures; Medical imaging systems; Medical image capture and processing; Feature extraction and pattern recognition; Matching and computing anatomical atlases; Surface and volume registration; Medical image analysis (static and motion analysis); Medical image analysis (functional, metabolic); Multi-modal image analysis; Image segmentation; Multidimensional data visualization; Statistical methods (population-based analysis); Image guided diagnosis, surgery and therapy; Medical image transmission and storage (protocols, databases)

AUDIO: Audio producing, transmission and management

Audio transmission and reception systems and devices; Digital audio transmission signal processing; Audio transmission over Internet; Audio Multiplexing Transmission Systems; Stereo audio transmission signal; Digital infrared audio transmission; Multi-stream and multi-path audio transmission; Wireless-compressed digital audio transmission; Perceptual coding for audio; Transmission and storage; Laser audio transmission; Synchronizing video and audio transmission; Wide-band audio transmission; Index-frame audio transmission; Digital audio transmission rights; Noise in wireless audio transmission; Audio tools and products; Standards

DATA: Data transmission and management

Data transmission and reception mechanisms and techniques; Enhanced tools for video data integrity; Data mining, filtering, and reporting; Secure data transmission; Transmission media and data encoding; Text reading devices (super-pen, pen-elite, reading-pen); Scanned and generated lossy (progressive) multi-page text; (Visually) lossless mechanisms; Pricing data transmission; Differential data transmission systems; Data transmission equipments and transmission rates; Delay-constrained data transmission; Undersea and satellite data transmission techniques; Performance evaluation of data transmission; Multicast data transmission; High speed data transmission; Data transmission control; Integrity and privacy in data transmission; Data transmission standards

VOICE: Voice producing, transmission and management

Planning and implementing voice networks and systems; Voice transmission systems; Voice transmission performance; Quality real-time voice transmission; Metrics for quality of voice transmission; Stereophonic voice transmission systems; Header compression for VoIP over WLAN; Voice over IP solution for mobile radio interoperability; VoIP over cable TV networks; VoIP over Wi-Max; WiFi and cellular dual mode phones and services; Voice over WLANs and Wi-Fi to cellular roaming; Voice transmission via the Internet; Wi-Fi voice transmission; Bluetooth-based Ad-Hoc networks for voice transmission; Standards for voice processing and transmission

VIDEO: Coding/Transmission/Processing

Video coding standards (H.264, SMPTE 421M, AVS-China, HEVC); Video coders and decoders; Video surveillance and privacy; Network video recorders; Video streaming; Video data integrity (error detection, error resilience, error concealment, tamper resistance); Motion detection, object tracking; Distributed video coding; Video quality assessment; Omnidirectional video; 3D video

VIDEO CONTENT: Short video/links scientific content

Apps; Mobile social media; Video production; Innovative video content; Creative process; Dedicated apps;  Special apps for short scientific reports; Techniques for a convincing summary report; Mobile and wearable devices for scietific reports; Combining open space and lab space in scientific reports; Handling inventories of short video scientific reports; Innovative mobile content; Online news; Volatile and just-in-time news; Report authenticity; Copyright and authorship; Ethical aspects; etc.

IMAGE: Image producing, transmission and management

Model-based progressive image transmission; Wireless image transmission; Computer generated images; Image security, scrambling, and regions of interest; Timing requirements for image transmission; Transmission of still and moving images; Protocols for low bit rate; Error-prone image transmission; Energy efficient image transmission; Multi-technology image formation; Devices for image capturing and processing (cams, web-cams, etc.); Scanning and sampling, quantization and halftoning, color reproduction; Image representation and rendering, display and printing systems; Image quality assessment; Image search and sorting, video indexing and editing; Integration of images and video with other media; Image authentication and watermarking; Image storage, retrieval and multimedia; Image and video databases; Generic coding of moving pictures; Media stream packetization; Modes for archival playback; Image-based applications; Standard for image processing; Image analysis and segmentation; Image filtering, restoration and enhancement; Image representation and modeling; Pattern recognition

SPEECH: Speech producing, transmission and management

Tooling, architectures, components and standards; Voice modulation, frequencies; Linguistics, phonology and phonetics; Discourse and dialogue; Speech analysis, synthesis, coding, and recognition; Speech enhancement and noise reduction; Speech features, production, and perception; Speech coding and transmission; Speech signal processing; Spoken language generation and synthesis; Speech QoS enhancement; Speaker characterization and recognition; Spoken language resources and annotation; Spoken/Multi-modal dialogue technology and systems; Spoken language information extraction/retrieval; Speech transmission technology for the aged and disabled; Audio-visual speech processing; Biomedical applications of speech analysis; Spoken document retrieval; Speech processing in a packet network environment; Automatic speech recognition in the context of mobile communications; Human factors in speech and communication systems; Automatic speech recognition and understanding technology; Speech to text systems; Spoken dialog systems; Multilingual language processing; New applications of spoken language technology and systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-12-05
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