Conference Information
ICSNC 2023: International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications Date: |
2023-08-10 |
Notification Date: |
2023-09-18 |
Conference Date: |
2023-11-13 |
Location: |
Valencia, Spain |
Years: |
18 |
QUALIS: b3 Viewed: 15349 Tracked: 4 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
The Eighteenth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC 2023) continues a series of events covering a broad spectrum of systems and networks related topics. The conference covers fundamentals on wireless, high speed, sensor and mobile and ad hoc networks, security, policy based systems, and education systems. Topics are targeting design, implementation, testing, use cases, tools, and lessons learnt for such networks and systems. We solicit both academic, research, and industrial contributions. We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals. Industrial presentations are not subject to the format and content constraints of regular submissions. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All topics and submission formats are open to both research and industry contributions. ICSNC 2023 conference tracks: Advanced features SDN, SDX, NFV; 4G/5G and advanced mobile Internet; Internet of X (everything, things, people, etc.); Internet, Virtualization and Cloud; Internet and Big Data; Sensing and sensor networks; Energy-aware networks; Content-oriented networking; Cellular cognitive networks; Future routing mechanisms; Cloud-based services; Online interactive services; Mobile services Slicing and 5/6/7G technologies Network slicing models; 5G Network slicing Architecture; 5G/6G Networks slicing; End to End (E2E) network slicing; Automated networks slicing; Network Slice as a Service(NSaaS); Service slicing; IoT service slicing; Slicing-as-a-Service (SlaaS); Slicing and orchestration; Latency-sensitive 5G services; Differentiated slice-based 5G services; 5G E2E (End to End), 6G Cellular data networks; Indoor 5G Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN); 5G mmWave; 7G and 8G network and High speed internet. Network slicing market. Networks slicing ROI (Return on Investment); 6-7-8G and ROI. Wireless networks 3G/4G/5G integration; Wireless protocols, architectural and design concepts; Design and implementation of mobile information systems; Wireless communications and mechanisms; Antenna and RF subsystems; Coding & modulation & equalization; Channel modeling and characterization; Equalization/Synchronization; Wireless technologies; Wireless applications & services; IP Multimedia subsystems (IMS); Wireless and mobility; Wireless-wireline convergence; Radio communications systems; Specialized wireless networks; Management of wireless networks; Position on standards & fora on wireless networks; Business models on wireless networks; Communications regulations, Spectrum management; Software-Defined Radio (SDR) [ architectures, hardware, software, signal processing and smart antennas, etc.] High speed networks Technologies, protocols, and applications for high speed networks; Voice over high speed networks; Services and interconnections of high speed networks; Technologies for High speed optical networks; Optical burst switching; End-to-end applications; Optical control plan; Advanced optical technology architectures; Design of high speed systems and networks; Methodologies and development tools for high speed networks; Management and control of high speed networks; Performance in high speed networks; Security aspects in high speed networks; QoS/SLA in high speed networks; Diagnosing high speed networks; High speed networks and NGN Sensor networks Architectures and protocols for wired and wireless sensor networks; Internet of Things architectures and implementations; Design of sensor networks; Instrumentation and models for deployment of sensors networks; Power in sensor networks; Ad hoc and wireless sensor networks; Management and control of sensor networks; Performance in sensor networks; Security and reliability aspects in sensor networks; Information assurance in sensor networks; QoS/SLA in sensor networks; Applications, case studies and prototypes with sensor networks Mobile and Ad hoc networks Mobile technology and fundamentals; Analytical and validation models for mobility; Architecture and routing protocols for mobile networks; Architectures, frameworks, fundamentals on ad hoc networks; Energy efficient design, cross-layer design, scalability; MAC protocols for ad-hoc and sensor networks (801.11, Bluetooth, etc.); Data, information, and signal processing in mobile networks; Complexity analysis of mobile algorithms and protocols; Software platforms and development tools supporting mobility; QoS/SLA, access control and security in mobile and ad hoc networks; Location and mobility management; Location and service discovery in ad hoc networks; Planning, provisioning, and deployment mobility features; Directional and smart antennas for mobile and ad-hoc networks; Performance and security in ad hoc and mobile networks; Self-organization, synchronization and stability in ad hoc networks; Self-management in ad hoc and mobile networks; Ad hoc and mobile networks and autonomic computing; Mobile ad hoc platforms, systems and tools; Applications over ad hoc networks; Standards evolution on mobility and ad hoc networks Advances in P2P Systems Architectures and protocols; Gossip-based and epidemic protocols; Integration with network operators and service providers; Autonomic computing and networking; Semantic P2P; Opportunistic networking; Content delivery networks; Applications; Prototypes and simulations; Implementations; Comparative performance analysis; Dependability, resilience and availability; Benchmarking and optimization; Quality of experience; Security, trust and reputation; Digital rights management; Content filtering; P2P and wireless convergence; Integrated approaches; Energy efficiency Advances in Mesh Networks Architectures and algorithms; Wireless interference models; Large-scale networks; Real-time and non-real-time communications; Centralized and distributed scheduling; Service differentiation; Security, Privacy, and Trust; Protocol interference models; Single-channel multihop/multichannel routing; Quality of Services routing; Multimedia-centric routing; Cross-layer multicast routing; QoS-based access protocols for mesh networks; Multichannel access protocols; Applications; Multimedia services; Home IPTV; WiMax; Broadband home networking communications; Smart buildings; Broadband Internet access Vehicular networks Communication technologies in vehicular networks; Frameworks and architectures for vehicular networks; Interoperability with Internet and other networks; Vehicle-infrastructure communications; Vehicle-to-vehicle communications; Emerging inter/intra-vehicle and infrastructure-to-vehicle wireless technologies; Cross-layer design and optimization for vehicular networks; Middleware and service architectures for vehicular networks; Propagation issues Vehicular sensors and data collection and process; On-drive diagnostics and repair technologies and systems; Protocol features /MAC, QoS, routing, multicast, addressing, identity/; Mobility and hand-off ; Properties /security, privacy, performance, robustness, real-time, etc./; Control and management in vehicular networks; Driver-oriented support systems /assistance, active&passive safety, etc./; Case studies and fields trials on vehicular networks; Applications across vehicular networks /content distribution, alerting, etc./; Standardization /802.11p, DSRC, etc./ and standard platforms /JasPar, AUTOSTAR, etc./ Radio-frequency identification systems Fundamentals for RFID systems; Communications in RFID systems; Next generation RFID Technologies; RFID middleware design and architecture; Antenna design for RFID; System design and deployment; Circuits and architecture; RFID ans sensor networks; Bridging RFID networks in heterogeneous networks; Collision, proximity, speed; Security, privacy, trust; Monitoring and control of RFID systems; Localization and tracking; Inventory tracking; Testing and verification; Planing and executing RFID systems; RFID pilot projects; Use cases in deploying and operating /finance, manufacture, agriculture, transportation, etc./; Tools for supporting the design and deployment of RFID systems Security systems Security analysis methodologies; Middleware and distributed systems security; Cryptography, certificates, information hiding, access control; Protection, risk, vulnerabilities, attacks, authorization/authentication; Access control, wireless access control, broadband access control; Biometrics, smart cards, identification and trust methodologies; Certification, accreditation anonymity, and audit; Security management, emergency contingency planning, identify theft, life safety; Wireless and mobile security; Fast security associations; Electronic surveillance and e-commerce protocols; Security and trust in web-services-based applications; Peer-to-peer security, denial of services; Information survivability, insider threat protection, integrity; Intellectual property rights, privacy, legal and regulatory issues; Criminal exploitation of technology; Commercial and industrial security; Viruses, hackers, worms, spam, and other malicious code Multimedia communications systems Technologies, protocols, and mechanisms for multimedia communications; Multimedia compression mechanisms and information representation; Multimedia encoding and compression, MPEG-1 to MPEG-4, Wavelet and fractal; Multimedia frameworks, communications, and middleware; Next generation multimedia communications; Mobile multimedia communications; Methodologies and development tools for multimedia communications systems; Wireless mobile multimedia communications; Ad hoc multimedia networks; IP-based Multimedia Subsystems (IMS); QoS/SLA in mobile multimedia services and applications; Mechanisms for interactive multimedia applications; Designing and implementing interactive applications; Multimedia authoring, publishing, and right securing; Security and performance for multimedia communications; Management, QoS, and security aspects in streaming over wireless ad hoc networks; Management and control of multimedia systems; Standards protocols for multimedia communications Policy-based systems Policy for automation control; Trusting policy control commands; Policy-driven autonomic organizations; Policy-based control scalability; Policy sensors for feedback control; Policy conflict detection and conflict resolution; Context-aware policy-driven adaptive frameworks; Policy integrity, trust and negotiations; Policy-based software applications; Policing pervasive computing environments; Policing on-demand systems and services Pervasive education system Learning and teaching systems; E-learning methods and e-learning scenarios; Tools and architectures for mobile/ubiquitous e-learning; Cooperative learning and working; Mobile technology and education; Distance learning and education; Computers and arts; Education in developing regions; Reflection in learning software and hardware; Social impact metrics on distance learning; Methodologies and processes for education; Curriculum projects and experiences; Intelligent support; Multimedia environment for teaching; E-market place for higher education; Embedded systems education; Wearable computers and education
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-05-28
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Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments | MIT Press | 1054-7460 | ||
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b | Computational Complexity | 0.700 | Springer | 1016-3328 |
c | Applied Intelligence | 3.400 | Springer | 0924-669X |
Materials Research Bulletin | 5.300 | Elsevier | 0025-5408 | |
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems | 3.200 | IGI Global |
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters | 4.600 | IEEE |
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments | MIT Press | |
Journal of Information Security and Applications | 3.800 | Elsevier |
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International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications | AIRCC |