Conference Information
SIGUCCS 2020: ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
San Diego, California, USA
CORE: c   Viewed: 12301   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The ACM SIGUCCS 2020 Call for Proposals commences on February 10, 2020, with a submission deadline of March 29, 2020. Authors and presenters will be notified of their acceptance in April 2020.

Submit a proposal

The conference submission for ACM SIGUCCS 2020 is through EasyChair’s web-based conference management system (if you have not used EasyChair previously, creating a new account is simple). Once you have logged into EasyChair, follow these guidelines for submitting your proposals:

    Conference track:
            Communication, Training, and Documentation
            Infrastructure, Security, and Operations
            Instructional Technology and Design
            Service Desk and Service Management
            Strategy, Leadership, and Professional Development

    The list is not meant to be restrictive, so feel free to choose “SIGUCCS 2020: All Proposals Welcome” if you feel that your presentation does not fit in any of the other listed tracks. It’s also possible that we may combine or rename tracks once we see what topics are proposed.
    ACM-provided questions: These are questions ACM asks each person to provide demographics. They are not mandatory.
    Contact information: For you and any co-authors you may have.
    Paper title: Your current title, which can be changed later if you wish.
    Abstract: Briefly summarize what the substance of your presentation will be, and describe what you expect your audience to share with their institutions after they attend your talk. The abstract, if accepted, will ultimately appear in conference publications and in the ACM Digital Library, but you will have a chance to edit it before then.
    Keywords: Include at least three terms that best describe your presentation. Please think of keywords that others are likely to use when searching the ACM Digital Library.
    Formats: Indicate the format(s) in which your presentation might be given that are acceptable to you.
        Presentation – 60 minute session that includes time for Q&A (ACM formatted paper of 2-6 pages required)
        Poster – Content is formatted as text and graphics on a poster and you will present individually with interested attendees (ACM formatted paper of 2-6 pages required)
        Lightning Talk – 5-7 minute presentation as part of a session including several such talks (ACM formatted abstract required, formatted paper of 2-6 pages optional)
        Panel/Facilitated Discussion – One or more experts lead a 60 minute session on a topic. Program Chairs may suggest panel formation to authors of related submissions (ACM formatted abstract required, formatted paper of 2-6 pages optional)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-10
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