Conference Information
IEEE SM 2024: IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility
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Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Viewed: 2141   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The widespread deployment and the societal acceptance of smart mobility technologies will depend not only on the maturity of the technology but also on the proper city planning to accommodate these evolving technologies and the availability of a well-developed governance framework. This means that smart mobility depends on a triad of complementary factors, namely, technology, city planning and governance. The three components of this smart mobility triad are not separate components as they impact each other. IEEE SM’ 2024 will be organized into three tracks representing smart mobility triad, with the list of technical areas in each track given below. Authors shall choose a primary and an alternative area when submitting their papers. Other research areas that fall within the three tracks are also welcomed. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Conference Tracks

For the conference tracks, the topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Smart Mobility Technologies

    Software-defined Vehicles
    Automated Mobility
    Connected Mobility
    Active, Soft or Zero-impact Mobility
    Inclusive Mobility
    Disruptive Mobility Platforms
    Shared Mobility
    E-Mobility On Demand (MOD)
    Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
    Seamless Integrated Mobility Systems (SIMS)
    Vehicle-as-a-Service (VaaS)
    Location Intelligence
    Blockchain in Smart Mobility
    AI for Smart Mobility
    Last-mile Delivery
    Gig Economy and Crowdsourcing
    Passenger Economy

Track 2: City Planning for Smart Mobility

    Intelligent Infrastructure
    EV Charging Station Infrastructure
    Vehicle to Grid (V2G)
    Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2X) Connectivity
    Transport Corridors
    Emergency Safe Spots and Safe Harbors
    Micro-mobility Stations
    Micro-mobility Highways/freeways
    Digital Road Signage
    Smart Parcel Lockers for Last-mile Delivery
    Smart Parking
    Planning for eVTOLs
    Autonomous Urbanism
    Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
    Smart Mobility within Smart Cities
    Smart Mobility and Sustainable Development

Track 3: Smart Mobility Governance

    Open Data Policies
    Safety Verification and Validation
    Cybersecurity Regulation
    Privacy and Digital Rights
    ICE Vehicle Phase-Out Plans
    Electric Vehicle Government Incentive Programs
    Autonomous Driving Legislative Frameworks
    Aviation Regulations for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
    Maritime Laws and Regulations for Autonomous Ships
    Legislations to Support Cross- border Mobility
    Roadmaps for Smart Mobility
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-25
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