CCEIE 2024: International Conference on Computer Communication and Electronic Information Engineering
Shenzhen, China
閲覧: 1567   追跡: 1   出席: 0

Computer Communication

    Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning for networking
    Cellular wireless broadband systems, including 6G and beyond
    Censorship circumvention and net neutrality
    Challenging Network Environments (underwater, underground)
    Cross-layer designs
    Cyber-physical network systems
    Datacenter networking
    Dynamic spectrum sharing
    Edge and fog computing/networking
    Extremely high-frequency communications (mmWave, THz)
    Fault tolerance, reliability, and survivability
    Full duplex communication networks
    Green networks
    Information-centric networking
    Interference management and mitigation
    Internet architectures
    Internet of Things
    Large-scale MIMO-based networking
    Localization and location-based services
    Medium access control
    Mobile sensing and applications
    Mobility management and models
    Multimedia networking
    Network economics and pricing
    Network management
    Network measurement and analysis
    Network security and privacy
    Network support for VR/AR
    Network virtualization

Communication Engineering

    Application domain / Framework / Architecture
    AI in Computers and Communications
    Cloud and Edge Computing
    Cutting Edge Technologies
    Emerging Topics in AI and Machine Learning
    Emerging Topics in Security and Cryptography
    Internet of Things (IoT)
    Optical Networks
    Satellite and Space Communications
    Security in Computers and Communications
    Software Defined Networks, Applications and Services
    Software Engineering
    Vehicular Networks
    Wireless Networks

Electronic Information Engineering

    Signal Processing
    Wireless network
    Information system
    Internet of things
    Intelligent control system and Robotics
    Electronic signal and Information processing
    Circuit and system
    Microelectronics and solid state electronics
    Micro nano electronic technology
    Wireless communication network
    GPS and wireless positioning
    Air-space-ground integrated communication network technology
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-03-07
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems1.000IET1751-858X
International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence World Scientific0218-0014
cImage and Vision Computing4.200Elsevier0262-8856
Multibody System Dynamics2.600Springer1384-5640
Journal of Universal Computer ScienceVerlag der Technischen Universitat Graz0948-695x
Journal of Computational Physics3.800Elsevier0021-9991
Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis0883-9514
bACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems2.200ACM1084-4309
Abstract and Applied Analysis Hindawi1085-3375
Applied Soft Computing7.200Elsevier1568-4946
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems1.000IET
International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence World Scientific
Image and Vision Computing4.200Elsevier
Multibody System Dynamics2.600Springer
Journal of Universal Computer ScienceVerlag der Technischen Universitat Graz
Journal of Computational Physics3.800Elsevier
Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems2.200ACM
Abstract and Applied Analysis Hindawi
Applied Soft Computing7.200Elsevier