Conference Information
IJCKG 2021: International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs
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Bangkok, Thailand
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Call For Papers
The 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs (IJCKG 2021, in cooperation with ACM/SIGAI) is a premium academic forum on Knowledge Graphs. The mission of IJCKG 2021 is to bring together international researchers in the Knowledge Graph community and other related areas to present their innovative research results or novel applications of Knowledge Graphs. IJCKG has evolved from the Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST): a joint event for disseminating research results regarding the Semantic Web, Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data and AI on the Web.

Research Track

The IJCKG 2021 Research Track solicits submissions of original research work relating to Knowledge Graphs. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Representation Learning for Knowledge Graphs
    Knowledge Graph Embeddings 
    Graph Neural Networks
    Knowledge Graph Construction
    Knowledge Graph Population and Information Extraction
    Knowledge Graph Completion
    Knowledge Graph Quality Assessment and Refinement
    Knowledge Representation and Semantic Reasoning
    Graph Processing Frameworks
    Graph Algorithms and Analytics
    Ontologies and Reasoning
    Semantic Search, Question Answering, and Chatbots
    Graph Databases and Query Languages
    Linked Data and Semantic Data Integration
    Multimodal Knowledge Graphs
    Contextualized Knowledge Graphs
    Cross-modal Semantic Understanding
    Trust, Privacy, and Security for Knowledge Graphs
    Blockchain Technologies and Knowledge Graphs
    Open and Enterprise Knowledge Graphs
    Knowledge Graphs for Explainable AI
    Novel Applications of Knowledge Graphs
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-09-04
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