Conference Information
ICTETS 2020: International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System
Submission Date:
2020-08-16 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Dalian, China
Viewed: 9877   Tracked: 3   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
2020 4th International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System (ICTETS 2020) aims to provide a high-level international conference for researchers, engineers and scientists to present the new advances and research results in the fields of traffic engineering and transportation system research.
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

A. Traffic Engineering
Theory and applications of traffic engineering
Traffic control and information technology
Transportation and socioeconomic development
Transportation security, environmental protection, and sustainable development
Urban public transportation planning and management high-speed railway planning, construction, and operation organization
Transportation Safety
Transportation Planning
Air Transportation
Marine Transportation
Metropolitan Transportation
Freight Transportation
Energy Saving and Alternative Energy
Automotive Exhaust Treatment and Environment Protection Technologies
Transportation Infrastructure (Pavement, Bridge)
Highway Maintenance and Management
Transportation Management, Economics and Policy
Vehicle Operations
Water Transportation
B. Transportation system
Rail and Transit Systems
Cooperative Techniques and Systems
Electric Vehicle Transportation Systems
Electronic Payment Systems
Driver and Traveler Support Systems
Security and Monitoring Systems
Transportation planning and system optimization
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Emergency Response Systems and Technologies
Systems of supply chain performance measurement
Controlling methods for supply chains
Innovative IT systems as performance drivers (SOA etc.)
Benefit allocation of IT-based performance drivers among supply chain partners
Agent-based simulation/other simulation approaches
Quantitative and qualitative performance measures
Efficiency of profit and risk sharing in supply chain networks
Performance of suppliers and service providers
Performance aspects of logistics node design
Interrelationships between management methods and supply chain performance
Measurement of soft factors in supply chains
Radio frequency identification (RFID) as supply chain performance driver
Performance-focused analysis of interorganizational business relations
Performance effects of infrastructure management
Sustainability and supply chain performance
Innovative concepts for modelling, simulation and optimization of transportation networks
Managing logistics service quality
Development of key performance indicators (KPI) for supply chains
Risk Management and SC Performance
Financial and non-financial performance measurement
Implications of bottlenecks for supply chain performance
Effects of complexity on supply chain performance
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-07-11
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