Conference Information
AACCE 2024: International Conference on Algorithm, Automatic Control and Computer Engineering
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Viewed: 2475   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
01 Algorithm

    Fuzzy Logic
    Advanced Numerical Algorithms
    Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Techniques
    Constraint-Based Algorithms
    Web Algorithms
    Design and Analysis of Geometric Algorithms
    Computational Methods and Algorithms
    Algorithm engineering
    Algorithmic aspects of networks
    Algorithmic game theory
    Algorithmic Data Science
    Approximation algorithms
    Online algorithms
    Parameterized algorithms
    Randomized algorithms
    Scheduling and resource allocation problems
    Streaming algorithms
    Graph algorithms
    Hierarchical memories
    Fuzzy Logic
    Advanced Numerical Algorithms
    Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Techniques
    Constraint-Based Algorithms
    Web Algorithms
    Design and Analysis of Geometric Algorithms
    Computational Methods and Algorithms
    Algorithm engineering
    Algorithmic aspects of networks
    Algorithmic game theory
    Algorithmic Data Science
    Approximation algorithms
    Online algorithms
    Parameterized algorithms
    Randomized algorithms
    Scheduling and resource allocation problems
    Streaming algorithms
    Graph algorithms
    Hierarchical memories

02 Automatic Control

    Computers and Artificial Intelligence in Control
    Control Theory and Control Engineering
    Industrial Automation
    Transportation and Vehicle Systems
    Building Automation and Smart Cities
    Modeling, Diagnostics, Prognostics and System Identification
    High-Performance Computing in Control
    Automation and Monitoring System
    Optoelectronic Control and Measurement
    Automated Guided Vehicles
    Intelligent Automation
    Process Automation

03 Computer Engineering

    Computer Components
    Computer Storage Technology
    Computer Peripheral Equipment
    Computer Processor Technology
    Computer Manufacturing and Testing
    Computer High-density Assembly Technology
    Neural Networks
    Machine learning and deep learning
    Natural Language Processing
    Machine vision
    Parallel Processing
    Pattern Recognition
    Multi-agent Systems
    Speech Understanding
    Knowledge Engineering
    Distributed Intelligent Processing
    Computer Vision
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-02
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