Conference Information
FCN 2024: International Conference on Future Communications and Networks
Submission Date:
2024-08-01 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Valletta, Malta
Viewed: 3290   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

2024 International Conference on Future Communications and Networks (FCN) aims to provide a forum that brings together international researchers from academia and practitioners in industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research work on all aspects of future communications and networks. The second edition of this event, FCN 2024, will be held in Valletta, Malta, on November 18-22, 2024. The conference will feature keynote speeches, invited talks, and technical symposia, and workshops.

FCN 2024 is sponsored by FuTURE Forum, China, and University of Malta, Malta. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the FCN 2024 Conference Proceedings.

Paper Submission:

Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers for presentation at the conference in the FCN 2024 proceedings. All papers for technical symposia should be submitted via EDAS (

1. AI-Enabled Communications and Networks(AICN)

    AI and ML for communication and network operation and control
    AI and ML for communication and network resource optimization
    AI and ML for cognitive communication and networks architecture
    AI and ML for communication and network security management
    AI and ML for self-aware network management
    AI and ML for the Internet of Things
    AI and ML for cyber-physical systems
    Machine intelligence-enabled communication and network big data analytics
    Machine intelligence-enabled cloud/edge/fog computing for communication and networking systems
    Machine intelligence-driven communication network theory and algorithms
    AI and ML for RF signal processing
    AI and ML for collaborative spectrum sharing
    AI and ML for distributed communications and sensing
    AI and ML for next-generation cognitive networks
    AI and ML for next-generation wireless networks such as 5G networks
    AI and ML for new network archite ctures such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization
    AI and ML for constrained networks such as sensor networks, tactical networks, etc.
    AI and ML for supporting ultra-low latency and highly reliable communications

2. Edge and Cloud Computing Networks(ECCN)

    Edge and Cloud Computing Network s for Industry IoT (IIoT)
    Performance guarantee, QoS, and QoE in Edge and Cloud systems
    Machine Learning approaches for Edge and Cloud Computing Networks
    Cloud network operating systems
    Datacenter(DC)/micro DC network management
    Intra-cloud and inter-cloud management
    Energy-efficient algorithms, protocols, and designs for Edge and Cloud Computing Networks
    Security, privacy, trust for Edge and Cloud Computing Networks
    Mobile Edge and Cloud networking in next generation wireless mobile networks
    Optimal resource arrangement/allocation/migration in Edge/Cloud computing centers
    Hierarchical architecture or hybrid design amid Edge/Cloud computing centers
    Software Defined Networking approaches for Edge and cloud computing
    Edge Computing for Digital Twins
    Mission critical edge computing and networking
    Hybrid design of Edge/Cloud computing for various AI and IoT applications
    Distributed orchestration for edge and cloud computing
    Federation and overlaying in edge and cloud computing
    Serverless computing and FaaS
    Elasticity and scalability of cloud resources

3. Mobile and Wireless Communications(MWC)

    Smart antennas, antenna arrays, metasurfaces, and space time processing
    Propagation and channel modeling
    Modulation, coding, and diversity techniques
    MIMO, multi-user MIMO, massive MIMO and ultra-massive MIMO
    Interference characterization and modeling
    Interference management, alignment, and cancellation
    Multiple access techniques and air interfaces
    Distributed, relay assisted, and cooperative communications
    In-band coexistence and spectrum sharing
    Cross-layer design and physical-layer based network issues
    Full-duplex radio communications
    Integrated Sensing and Communication
    Heterogeneous and small-cell networks
    Device-to-device (D2D) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications
    Non terrestrial networks (NTN)
    Space-air-ground network communications
    Localization and navigation techniques
    Underwater and maritime wireless communications
    Energy harvesting communications & Wireless power transfer
    Sustainable and green communications
    Millimeter-wave and terahertz-band communications
    Optical wireless communications (OWC)
    Beamforming communications
    Physical-layer network coding
    Radio resource management
    Radio systems virtualization
    Ultra-wideband communications (UWB)
    AIML for wireless communications
    Blockchain-enabled wireless communications
    Wireless communications for Web3
    Wireless communications for the metaverse
    Wireless communications testbeds, field tests, and measurements

4. Mobile and Wireless Networks(MWN)

    4G/5G/6G networks and beyond
    Small cells and femtocell networks
    Wireless mesh networks
    Cognitive radio networks
    Vehicular wireless networks
    Unmanned Arial Vehicle networks
    Underwater wireless networks
    Delay-tolerant wireless networks
    Software-defined wireless networks
    Wireless multimedia networks
    mmWave and TeraHertz wireless networks
    Energy harvesting and self-sustainable networks
    Wireless optical communication networks
    AI-based wireless networking technologies
    Wireless network virtualization technologies
    Wireless edge/fog computing
    Pervasive and wearable computing and networking technologies
    WLAN, WPAN, and other home/personal networking technologies
    Ultra-reliability and low-latency technologies for wireless networks
    Coexistence of heterogeneous wireless networks in unlicensed spectrum
    Device-to-device communications and machine-to-machine communications
    Network architectural design
    Medium access control
    Flow and congestion control
    Topology control
    Mobility, handoff, and location management
    QoS provisioning
    Tracking and localization
    Resource allocation and management
    Cross-layer design and optimization
    Traffic modeling and management
    Fault-tolerance an dreliability
    Testbeds and deployment of wireless networks
    Wireless networking standards

5. Next Generation Networks and Internet(NGNI)

    Architectures, Frameworks, and Toolkits for Next Generation Networks
    Internet Applications including Interactive Media, Voice, Video and Games
    Database, Data Mining, and Big Data Applications
    Best Practices, Open Testbeds, and Living Labs
    Peer-to-Peer Computing
    Grid , Cluster , Distributed, Edge, and Fog Computing Solutions
    Cloud Network Services
    Quality of Service (QoS) / Quality of Experience (QoE)
    End-to-End Performance Measurement
    Admission Control
    Routing: Unicast, Multicast, Anycast, Multi-Path
    End-to-End Network Programming
    Resilience and Sustainability of Next Generation Networks
    Network Visualization, Virtual Private Networks and Services
    Content Distribution Networks
    Connecting Mobile/Wireless Devices to the Internet
    Web Applications
    Application Case Studies
    Impact of Wireless on th e Internet
    Internet of Things Services and Applications
    Content-Centric Networking Service

6. Space-Air-Ground Communications and Networks(SAGCN)

    Space-air-ground communications and networks architecture
    Space-air-ground communications and networks security architecture
    Space-air-ground communications and networks application architecture
    Space-air-ground communications and networks network management
    Space-air-ground communications and networks resource optimization
    Space-air-ground communications and networks mobility management
    Space-air-ground communications and networks transmission technology
    Space-air-ground communications and networks protocols
    Space-air-ground communications and networks air interface
    Space-air-ground communications and networks for machine type communications
    Mega constellation network design for space-air-ground communications and networks
    Non-terrestrial networking technologies for space-air-ground communications and networks
    Simulation, emulation and testbed for space-air-ground communications and networks
    Digital twin technologies for space-air-ground communications and networks
    AI in space-air-ground communications and networks
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-31
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Annals of Operations Research4.400Springer
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling2.700Elsevier
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