Conference Information
WF-PST 2024: IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology
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Washington DC, USA
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Call For Papers
Track 1: Public Safety in Communication and Networking [SUBMIT HERE]
Co-Chairs: Wael Jaafar, Kapal Dev, Aryan Kaushik

    Non terrestrial networks for public safety
    RIS/holographic MIMO aided communications for public safety
    Integrated sensing and communications for public safety
    Wireless backhaul, integrated access and backhaul for public safety
    High frequency MmWave, THz channel modeling for public safety applications
    Police communications and applications
    Next Generation Multiple Access Schemes and Interference management for public safety
    Localization and tracking in public safety

Track 2: Public Safety in Transportation [SUBMIT HERE]
Co-Chairs: Jinwei Liu, Abdellah Chehri, Mona Jaber

    V2V, V2X vehicular networking for public safety applications
    Intelligent transportation systems
    Intelligent transport monitoring systems
    Intelligent traffic management for traffic safety
    Risk assessment of autonomous transport systems
    Networking alarm systems for vehicle anti-theft

Track 3: Edge Computing, Cloud Computing, and IoT for Public Safety [SUBMIT HERE]
Co-Chairs: Alireza Ghasempour, Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad

    Mobile edge computing and cloud computing for public safety
    RFID technology and applications in public safety
    Internet of Things (IOT) technology and application
    Internet of Intelligent Things (IoIT), Internet of Space Things (IoST) for public safety
    Emergency rescue system
    Public safety applications

Track 4: Public Safety in Blockchain and Forensics [SUBMIT HERE]
Co-Chairs: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Jes Kiran, Syed Afser

    Blockchain for forensics
    Digital forensics
    Anti-counterfeiting technology and application
    Biometrical identification technology
    Anomaly detection and fraud detection

Track 5: Security, Privacy and Trust [SUBMIT HERE]
Co-Chairs: Tariq Umer, Eman Hammad

    Security systems for community safety protection
    Security alarming systems
    Access control systems
    Information safety and protection
    Cybersecurity and privacy of public safety
    Credibility of online content
    Misinformation/disinformation and misbehavior analysis and detection
    Security, privacy and trust and issues in social networks

Track 6: AI/ML, Smart Algorithms, and Intelligent Systems for Public Safety [SUBMIT HERE]
Co-Chairs: Moussa Ayyash, Jian Tao

    AI, machine learning and federated learning based public safety technologies
    Building intelligence and automation systems
    Machine learning and artificial intelligence security
    Safety systems and networks for avoiding environmental disasters
    Case studies of Public Safety systems
    Experiences and best practices in implementing public safety systems
    Experimentation and testbed findings for public safety systems

Track 7: Health and Wellness of Public Safety Personnel [SUBMIT HERE]
Co-Chairs: Evangelos Markakis

    Wearables for extreme climates
    Real-time monitoring of public safety personnel
    Resilience assessment and development
    Mental health apps
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-08-08
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