Conference Information
ICBDS 2023: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Distributed Systems Security
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Naya Raipur, India
Viewed: 3249   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Distributed Systems Security 2023 is all about providing a platform for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to contribute to identifying emerging research topics for the blockchain and present the latest advances & innovations in theories, applications, infrastructure, schemes for the blockchain. Blockchain is an emerging technology and is used widely in banking, agriculture, healthcare, intelligent manufacturing, and other sectors. We have seen successful application of Blockchain into digital-currency and now blockchain is playing an important role in secure decentralization in many emerging fields such as digital asset transactions, internet of things, cyber-physical systems, edge computing, social networking etc. This will bring many challenges and issues to be addressed by the research community, this conference will provide a platform to bring forth innovations in addressing issues and challenges.

The main objective of this conference is to bring together people with shared interests in blockchain, distributed systems and security. This conference will provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to contribute to identifying emerging research topics for the blockchain and present latest advances & innovations in theories, applications, infrastructure, and schemes for the blockchain.

The conference also fosters information exchange among researchers and practitioners of computer network and distributed system security. The target audience includes those interested in practical aspects of blockchain, network and distributed system security, with a focus on actual system design and implementation
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to the following:

    Blockchain (Components, Systems, Modules)
    Technology Integration
    Blockchain Applications
    Security and Privacy
    Distributed Computing System
    Distributed system design and management

The details of the tracks are given below

Blockchain (Components, Systems, Modules)

Distributed Ledger, Distributed Consensus, Smart Contract and Chain Code, Blockchain Platforms, Decentralized App Development, Protocols, Data structures and Algorithms Based on Blockchain, Tokenization, Technology policy and ethics in technology, Smart Contracts verification and generation, Non-fungible tokens

Technology Integration

Blockchain in Edge and Cloud Computing, Blockchain in the Internet of things (IoT), Blockchain, Big Data and AI, Blockchain Interoperability. Distributed Database Technologies for Blockchain, Blockchain in Fog and Cloud computing, Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Blockchain-based systems.

Blockchain Applications

Blockchain and Crypto currency, Healthcare, Blockchain for Data Security, Blockchain Managed Services, Internet of Behaviors. Blockchain-based Applications & Services, Distributed supply chains, Blockchain-based security solutions of smart cities infrastructures, Blockchain in social networking,

Security and Privacy

Information and Network Security, Network Intrusion, Detection and Prevention, Security Models and Protocols, Security, Privacy, Attacks, and Forensics, Blockchain and Security, Distributed Trust, Vulnerabilities and attacks in Blockchain-based systems, Access control, Decentralized Identity, Secure Multiparty Computing, Privacy-enhancing computation, Cyber security mesh, Self Sovereign identity, provenance with blockchain, Dependable and Trustworthy Computing and Systems, Cryptosystems, Algorithms, Primitives, Security and Privacy in Networked Systems, System Security, Multimedia Security, Security Modeling, Experiments, Simulation, and Tools, AI/ML for privacy and security, Security of AI/ML models, Lightweight cryptographic algorithms for constrained environment, Key management and distribution, Self Sovereign identity

Distributed Computing System

Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Fog Computing, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Computing, Quantum Computing, high-performance, cluster, cloud and grid computing, Edge Computing, Mobile and Wireless Computing, Scalable computing and communications, Volunteer computing, Data centric computing and data intensive computing, Heterogeneous Computing, Autonomic computing, Heterogeneous Computing, reconfigurable computing

Distributed system design and management

Middleware, distributed resource management and scheduling, fault-tolerance, reliability, peer-to-peer systems, overlay networks, Distributed Real-Time Systems, Load balancing algorithms, Network and Communication System Design, decentralized/collaborative system, Distributed AI/ML models
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-07-07
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