Conference Information
NSE 2023: International Conference on Network Simulation and Evaluation
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Shenzhen, China
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Call For Papers
Cyberspace technology has already penetrated various areas such as science, economy, politics as well as defense and military. Cyberspace has now become one of the most important areas which draws attention from both academics, professionals, and industrial communities. With the emergence of new technologies and applications in cyberspace, cyberspace security has been also facing great challenges. On the one hand, new technologies emerged with the prevalence of data science and artificial intelligence can largely advance and exceed the traditional security technologies, which largely improve the security defense capability of cyberspace. On the other hand, the malicious usage of new technologies, or exploiting the defects in new technologies and new applications have further exacerbated the security threat of cyberspace. To better handle the security risks caused by the new technologies and new applications and develop effective approaches and techniques for defending such potential security concerns, the network simulation technology can realize the security evaluation of these technologies by simulating in a controllable network environment, which has significant research value and great social benefit.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together world-class researchers, practitioner and engineers in the theoretical and practical areas related to network simulation and security evaluation to share their latest research results and discuss about the future development directions.

Topics in the area of artificial intelligence, network science, simulation and system security in general, in particular those related to network simulation and evaluation, include but not limited to:

    Network intrusion detection technologies
    Network attack and defense technologies
    Security evaluation of networked systems
    Artificial Intelligence-based network attack detection technologies
    The application and security of big data, cloud computing, 5G network
    Complex system simulation
    Simulation modeling technology
    Network virtualization
    System and network simulation application
    Internet simulation
    Vehicle connected network simulation
    IoT simulation
    Industrial control system and Internet simulation
    5G network simulation
    Application system simulation
    Standard model and index system of security evaluation
    Automatic scheme generation and execution technology of security evaluation
    Security evaluation technology for key infrastructures (finance, transportation, energy, smart city, etc.)
    Security evaluation technology for typical application scenarios (Industrial Internet, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Things, etc.)

We hope this conference will facilitate improving the cyberspace security capabilities and further promote cyberspace technology collaborations in various application domains.

All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee based on technical quality, relevance to NSE 2023, originality, significance, and clarity. The accepted papers will be published via Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science. Accepted papers will be submitted for consideration in various indexing, e.g., DBLP and EI.

Top quality papers after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Security and Safety (EDP Sciences and Science Press), International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization(IJSMDO).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-06-11
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