Conference Information
AMLIT 2023: Asia Conference on Algorithms, Machine Learning and Information Technology Date: |
2023-07-15 Extended |
Notification Date: |
2023-07-25 |
Conference Date: |
2023-07-28 |
Location: |
Nanjing, China |
Viewed: 3327 Tracked: 1 Attend: 1
Call For Papers
2023 Asia Conference on Algorithms, Machine Learning and Information Technology (AMLIT 2023) -EI Compendex Location: Nanjing, China Dates: July 28-30, 2023 Website: E-mail: Conference Format: Online and In-person 2023 Asia Conference on Algorithms, Machine Learning and Information Technology (AMLIT 2023) will be held during July 28-30, 2023 in Nanjing, China. AMLIT 2023 aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professionals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in Algorithms, Machine Learning and Information Technology. AMLIT 2023 will include presentations in form of contributed papers, poster sessions, and state of the art lectures by invited keynote speakers. Topics: Advanced numerical algorithms Computational geometry Computer Network Computational humanities Machine learning for 5G system Artificial Intelligence MaData Mining Cloud Computing Multi-Robot systems Software Engineering Mobile Computing Distributed Systems (For more topics: ) Paper Publication: Accepted papers will be included in AMLIT 2023 Conference Proceedings, published by CPS and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Scopus and so on. AMLIT 2023 Speakers: Prof. Henry Leung, Fellow IEEE, Fellow SPIE, University of Calgary, Canada Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic, Life Fellow IEEE, Simon Fraser University, Canada Prof. Changxu Wu, Tsinghua University, China Prof. Xudong Jiang, Fellow IEEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Prof. Chuan QIN, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China Prof. Yu-Dong Zhang, Fellow of IET, Fellow of EAI, Fellow of BCS, University of Leicester, UK Paper Submission (Choose one way to submit your paper): 1. Submission System: (Recommend) 2. Email Submission: You are also welcome to join us as: As Presenter: If you want to share you latest research results by giving presentation without publish papers, please submit your abstract (300-400 words) As Listener: You are also warmly welcomed to take part in AMLIT 2023 as a listener even though you have no paper to submit. As Reviewer: To ensure the fairness and guarantee the quality of AMLIT 2023, we cordially invite experts and scholars join us as a reviewer. Contact us: Conference Secretary: Mrs. Marina Chen Email: Tel: +852 56144331 Website: 2023年亚洲算法,机器学习与信息技术会议 (AMLIT 2023) - EI核心 2023 Asia Conference on Algorithms, Machine Learning and Information Technology (AMLIT 2023) 会议地点:南京,中国 时间: 2023年7月28日- 30日 网址: 邮箱: ● 会议简介 2023年亚洲算法,机器学习与信息技术会议 (AMLIT 2023) 将于2023年7月28日- 30日在中国南京举行。AMLIT 2023旨在为来自工业界、学术界和政府的研究人员、从业人员和专业人士提供一个论坛,讨论算法、机器学习和信息技术的研究和发展、专业实践。AMLIT 2023将包括投稿论文、海报会议和受邀主讲人的最新技术讲座等形式的演讲。 ● 论文出版和检索 被录用的文章将被收录在AMLIT 2023会议论文集由CPS出版,并被EI Compendex, Scopus等其他重要数据库检索。 ● 征文主题 (主题包括但不限于这些,更多详细主题请见官网: ) 高级数值算法 计算几何学 计算机网络 计算人文学科 5G系统的机器学习 人工智能 医学数据挖掘 云计算 多机器人系统 医学工程 移动计算 分布式系统 更多主题请见官网: ) ● 演讲专家 Prof. Henry Leung (Fellow IEEE, Fellow SPIE), 卡尔加里大学,加拿大 Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic (Life Fellow IEEE), 西蒙弗雷泽大学,加拿大 Prof. Changxu Wu, 清华大学,中国 Prof. Xudong Jiang (Fellow IEEE), 南洋理工大学,新加坡 Prof. Chuan QIN, 上海科技大学,中国 Prof. Yu-Dong Zhang (Fellow of IET, Fellow of EAI, Fellow of BCS), 莱斯特大学,英国 ● 提交论文 1. CMT线上投稿系统: (推荐) 2. 直接将您的文章或摘要投到我们的会议邮箱,我们收到后会第一时间回复您。 投稿邮箱 3.审稿流程:作者投稿 - 稿件收到确认(1个工作日)- 初审(1-3工作日) - 复审(5-10工作日)- 告知结果(接受/拒稿),越早投稿越早收到文章结果。 ● 投稿说明 1. 本会议官方语言为英语,投稿者务必用英语撰写论文。 2. 稿件应为原创作品,未在国内外刊物上发表过, 不接受一稿多投。 作者可通过Crosscheck, Turnitin或其他查询系统查重,否则由文章重复率引起的被拒搞将由作者自行承担责任。涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被出版,且公布在会议主页。 3. 请根据格式模板文件编辑您的文章( ) 4. 只做报告不发表论文的作者只需提交摘要。 ● 联系方式 会议官网: 邮箱 电话咨询:15001035132 (微信同号) QQ咨询:1455341287(您将在第一时间得到回复,添加时请备注“AMLIT 2023”)
Last updated by Mauro Peart in 2023-07-02
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