Conference Information
EuroPLoP 2019: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
Submission Date:
2019-02-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Bavaria, Germany
Viewed: 7632   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Why come to EuroPLoP 2019?

Patterns represent practical experience and best practices, and EuroPLoP is the premier European conference on patterns and pattern languages.

Authors gain visibility by publishing patterns and get active, high-quality feedback that can significantly improve their pattern writing and daily activities.

Practitioners enlarge their network and increase visibility at EuroPLoP by meeting leading experts and practitioners, and getting feedback.

Academics gain from EuroPLoP’s intensive process of shepherding, reviews, and peer discussions at Writers’ Workshops which will yield a high-quality publication:

    Accepted papers will be published in the ACM ICPS
    Further elaborated accepted papers qualify for submission to the Springer journal LNCS Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming (TPLoP).

Participants may keep up-to-date with contemporary movements in software engineering and related topics, with in-depth discussions during EuroPLoP’s Writers’ Workshops.
Pattern Papers
We encourage submitting pattern papers on software-related topics, as well as on other topics. We particularly welcome submissions on the following aspects of software theory and practice:

    (Continuous) software engineering
    Software & systems architecture and design
    HCI design and architecture
    Cloud, fog, edge computing
    Agile and DevOps
    Business and organization
    Software quality and verification
    Requirements engineering
    Cyberphysical systems & (I)IoT
    Safety, security, dependability
    Digital transformation, Industry 4.x
    Education and collaboration
    Interdisciplinary topics

Feel free to suggest additional topic tracks if the ones above do not fit your research. Email the program chair before December 31, 2018. EuroPLoP accepts papers containing patterns or pattern languages, as well as papers related to the theory and the practical application of patterns. EuroPLoP also accepts excerpts from Ph.D. theses or book projects. In the past, many book authors have submitted parts of their work to get feedback from the pattern community.
Papers on Applying and Identifying Patterns

In addition to papers containing new patterns and pattern languages, we encourage submitting papers on the application of existing patterns in industrial projects. Please submit:

    Reports on using patterns in projects, education or organizations
    Academic studies on patterns and pattern application
    Papers that present theoretical arguments about patterns
    Empirical evaluations of patterns and pattern languages

Focus Groups

EuroPLoP also welcomes focus group proposals. Focus groups are 1 to 2 hours workshop sessions where you present or elaborate a pattern-related topic. You can also propose and experiment with other session formats. Your submission should briefly sketch how you will organize your session, its time budget, and the required number of participants.
Submission format and process

    The recommended format is ACM two column format, but not mandatory.
    For logistical reasons, we recommend submissions of 10 pages or less, and we especially welcome shorter papers. Longer papers are possible but bear in mind that in that case, the Writers’ Workshop might decide to focus on only a part of your paper.
    After submission, your paper will be assigned to a shepherd. This is an experienced pattern author, who will provide feedback and suggestions on how to improve your paper. After shepherding, re-submit your improved paper for review. All accepted papers will be discussed in Writers’ Workshops during the conference.
    You can find this and more details at

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Conference Chair: Tiago Boldt Sousa, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, tiagoboldt at
Program Chair: Taichi Isaku, Keio Research Institute at SFC & CoCooking, Japan, tisaku at
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-02-09
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