Conference Information
ICCCN' 2021: International Conference on Computing and Communication Networks
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Manchester, UK
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Call For Papers
ICCCN-2021, International Conference on Computing and Communication Networks, is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing various topics of Computing and Communication Networks. It allows participants an opportunity to discuss the recent developments in the field of solidification computer science and management and review challenges faced by the community in the 21st century. The different tracks were Network and Computing Technologies, Advances in AI & ML, Emerging topics in 5G/6G Communication Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Emerging Trends in Data Analytics, Cyber Security for 4.0, Smart and Sustainable Environment Systems and Security & Privacy. Over the years, it has become mandatory for disseminating the latest research results in these fields.

Papers describing original research work and practical experiences/experimental results are solicited on topics that tentatively include, but are not limited to:

* Parallel & Distributed Networks
* Computational Intelligence, Advancement in AI and Machine Learning (ML) Technologies
* Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
* Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing
* Distributed Computing, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Cloud & Big Data Technologies
* Blockchains in Distributed Computing and Networking
* Expert System & Decision Support Systems
* Cognitive Networking
* AI for low complexity in B5G/6G
* AI-empowered dynamic function splitting in Green B5G/6G networks
* Technologies, concepts, and theories for integrated AI and Green B5G/6G networks
* Multiple Access schemes suitable to 6G
* Novel signal processing techniques for 6G communications
* Security and Privacy in Mobile and Wireless communications
* Security and Privacy preservation in 5G networks
* Integrated design methods for Cyber-Physical Systems
* Security and Privacy for Cyber-Physical System
* Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems
* Industry 4.0 cybersecurity challenges
* Machine Learning in Distributed Computing and Networking
* Security Threats and Vulnerabilities of IIoT
* Network Function Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking
* Network Security for Industry 4.0.
* Smart Agriculture and Water Management
* Fog/Edge computing and Caching techniques
* Transportation systems
* Smart sensory augmentation and smart spaces
* Ultra-low-power IoT Technologies and Embedded Systems Architectures
* Sentiment analysis techniques on social media
* Vehicular Networks, Smart Grids, and Smart City Applications
* Multi-modal support for data analytics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-07-03
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