Conference Information
ISPCC' 2021: IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control
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Dalian, China
Viewed: 5525   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC 2021) aims to provide a high-level international forum for researchers, engineers and scientists to present the new advances and research results in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering.

We are delighted to invite you to participate in ISPCC 2021. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Topic A: Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Optimization for Estimation & Modeling
Signal Analysis for Big Data
Time-Varying Signal Processing
Adaptive Filtering & Restoration
Array Signal Processing
Hardware Implementation for SP
Speech Coding & Recognition
Q & A System and Speech Retrieval
Image Processing & Understanding
Sparse Representation & Feature Detections
2D/3D Video Compression & Retrieval
Computer Vision & VR
Multimedia & Human-computer Interaction
Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition
AI & Deep Learning
Communication Signal Processing
SP for Social Media and Internet
Biometrics & Authentification
SP for Bio-medical & Cognitive Science
SP for Bio-informatics

Topic B: Intelligent Computing

Algorithms and Theories
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Intelligent Computing in Robotics
Intelligent Computing in Computer Vision
Intelligent Computing in Finance/Banking
Intelligent Computing in Communication Networks
Intelligent Control and Automation
Intelligent Image/Document Retrievals
Intelligent Data Fusion
Intelligent Data Analysis & Prediction
Intelligent Agent and Web Applications
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
Internet & Cloud Computing
Parallel and Distributing Computing
High-Performance Computing
Autonomic and Trusted Computing
Biomedical Informatics and Computation
Web and Internet Computing
Evolutionary Computation and Learning
Granular Computing
Social Computing
Natural Computing
Quantum Computing
Soft Computing
Nature Inspired Computing and Optimization
Computational Neuroscience
Signal Processing
Pattern Recognition
Biometrics Recognition
Image Processing
Information Security
Collective Intelligence
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics

Topic C: Control and Automation

Adaptive Control
Automated Guided Vehicles
Biomedical Engineering and Biosystems Automation
Control Education
Control Theory and Application
Discrete Event Systems
Electronic Commerce and Office Automation
Estimation and Identification
Factory Modeling and Automation
Fault Detection
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Fuzzy and Neural Systems
Industrial Process Control
Instruments and Vibration Control
Integrated Manufacturing
Intelligent and AI Based Control
Intelligent Automation
Learning Systems
Linear Systems
Man-machine Interactions
Manufacturing Control and Automation Engineering
Material Processing and Control
Modeling of Complex Systems
Motion Control
Multi-agent systems
Network Intelligence and Network Control
Nonlinear Systems and Control
Optimal Control
Petri-Nets and Applications Petri-
Process Automation
Process Control & Instrumentation
Real-time Systems
Robust and Control
Sensor networks and networked control
Sensor/data fusion
Smart Structures

Topic D: Mechatronics and Automation

Intelligent mechatronics
Industrial Robotics and Automation
Intelligent control, neuro-control, fuzzy control
Industrial Automation and Process Control
Distributed Control System
Embedded System
Control system modeling and simulation techniques
Enterprise Informationization and information processing technology
Virtual Instrumentation
Sensors, multi-sensor data fusion algorithms
Advanced measurement and Machine Vision system
Transmission and control of Fluid
Dynamics, Vibration and Control
Robotics biomimetics
Opto-electronic elements and Materials
Laser technology and laser processing
Applications of micro and nano systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-05-31
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