Conference Information
ICVRIS 2020: International Conference on Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems
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Zhangjiajie, China
Viewed: 9068   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
A. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality 

    Tracking and sensing
    Input devices for VR/AR/MR
    3D display and sensory feedback (all five senses)
    Immersive projection technology
    Haptics, audio, and other non-visual interfaces
    Modeling and simulation
    Computer graphics techniques for VR/AR/MR
    Virtual humans and avatars
    Multi-user and distributed VR/AR/MR
    VR systems and toolkits
    Locomotion and navigation in virtual environments
    User studies and evaluation
    Perception, presence, virtual embodiment, and cognition
    Teleoperation and telepresence
    Applications of VR/AR/MR
    Ethical issues in VR/AR/MR
    Interactive storytelling in 360° videos
    3D interaction and input devices for VR/AR/MR
    3DUI metaphors for VR/AR/MR
    Mobile, Desktop or Hybrid 3DUIs
    Non-fatiguing 3DUIs
    Evaluation methods for 3DUIs
    Empirical studies of 3DUIs
    Applications of 3DUIs: Games, entertainment, CAD, education, etc.
    Collaborative 3D interaction
    Software technologies to support VR/AR/3DUIs

B. Behavior Intelligence and Environments Intelligence

    Kinematics & dynamics  analysis and model
    Advanced Control Technology on Robots
    Central mode control & physiological signal integrated  control
    Sensor integration , fusion and perception
    Sensor system in Robots, Sensor network and wireless sensor
    Multi-sensor data fusion
    Navigation and positioning
    Distributed intelligent algorithms and techniques
    Manufacturing Automation

C. Big data, Cloud computation Technology &Knowledge Engineering

    Foundational Models for Big Data
    Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing
    Big Data Analytics and Metrics
    Representation Formats for Multimedia Big Data
    Big Data Architectures
    Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
    Big Data as a Service
    Big Data Open Platforms
    Knowledge Representation and Modeling
    Knowledge Maintenance, Knowledge Elicitation,Knowledge-Based Systems
    Expert Systems or Decision Support Systems
    Content Management and Knowledge Management Systems
    Workflow Management Systems; Ontology Engineering
    Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    Natural Language Processing; Text Mining, Classification and Summarization
    Textual Entailment; Question Answering Systems,Document Preparation and Text Processing
    Language Translation and Linguistics; Information and Knowledge Integration
    Management Information Systems, E-service  
    Management of Supply Chain and Logistics
    Relationship Management Web Data Mining
    Cloud management and monitoring
    Storage in the cloud, Data security in the cloud   
    Cloud computing pricing and economics, Agent-based Cloud computing  

D. Intelligent System and Its Applications

    Intelligent agent
    virtual reality and augmented reality technology
    pattern recognition, face recognition, fingerprint recognition
    Computer vision and signal processing
    Smart City
    Service Computing and Mobile Computing
    Wisdom Education and Training
    Intelligent Engineering Systems
    Business Intelligence
    Intelligent Bio-informatics Systems;
    Intelligent Healthcare Systems
    E-learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
    Intelligent Systems in Engineering and Science
    Intelligent transport
    Smart Grid and advanced power electronic technology
    Intelligent Building and its Automation
    Other related applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-06-21
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