Conference Information
AIAAT 2025: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Technologies
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Dongguan, China
Viewed: 17791   Tracked: 40   Attend: 9

Call For Papers
1. Ethics and Bias in AI:
Addressing the ethical implications of AI decision-making and ensuring fair algorithms that mitigate bias.

2. AI in Healthcare:
Using AI for diagnostics, personalized medicine, and operational efficiency in healthcare systems.

3. Natural Language Processing (NLP):
Advancements in NLP technologies, such as chatbots, translation, and sentiment analysis.

4. AI and Automation:
The impact of AI on the job market, including automation of tasks and the future of work.

5. Generative AI:
The rise of models that can create content, such as GPT-3 and DALL-E, and their applications in various industries.

6. AI in Climate Change:
Leveraging AI for climate modeling, energy consumption optimization, and environmental monitoring.

7. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):
Discussions around the possibility and implications of creating AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human can.

8. AI Governance and Regulation:
Policies and frameworks for the responsible use and regulation of AI technologies.

9. Machine Learning Interpretability:
The focus on making AI models more transparent and understandable to users.

10. AI in Creative Industries:
Exploring how AI is transforming fields such as art, music, and writing, and the implications for creativity.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-03-09
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