Conference Information
ICDE' 2020: International Conference on Desalination and Environment
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Viewed: 8934   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
The scope of the conference will be quite broad covering the below-listed areas:

Topics include:

Water demand and supply
Water for remote areas
Desalination and the environment
Desalination and water purification processes
Seawater thermal and membrane processes
Membrane distillation
Brackish water desalination
Wastewater treatment
Desalination and water resource management
Energy recovery technology
Renewable energy for desalination
Pre-treatment and post-treatment
Brine disposal and removal of specific compounds
Fouling and scaling and material selection

Desalination and Membrane Technology
Reverse osmosis
Nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration
Pre-treatment and post-treatment processes
Novel desalination technologies
Membrane distillation
New membrane types
Forward osmosis
Membrane systems
Hybrid systems
Novel membrane systems and configurations
Brine/concentrate disposal and waste management
Energy and sustainability
Resource recovery and water reuse and brine concentration and disposal
Scale and corrosion inhibition and operational problem solving
Bio-fouling control and removal of suspended matter in feed water
Low pressure membranes
Residuals management and environmental impact
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-06-17
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