Conference Information
ESEIW 2020: Empirical Software Engineering International Week
Submission Date:
2020-05-18 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Bari, Italy
Viewed: 6595   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
We invite submissions to the following tracks related to the topics of interest of the conference.

    Technical Papers
    Industry Papers
    Emerging Results and Vision Papers
    Journal-First Papers

Find detailed submission information on our website:

General Scope of Submissions

Work submitted must fit within the specific scope of each track, as detailed below. Submissions in all tracks should not be under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere.

In addition to the specific scope of each track, submissions may address any aspect of software engineering but must tackle the problem from an empirical perspective and using a rigorous empirical method, including:

    Empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
    Cross- and multi-disciplinary methods and studies
    Experiments and quasi-experiments
    Case studies, action research, ethnography and field studies
    Survey research
    Artifact studies
    Data mining, machine learning, and AI-based approaches
    Secondary and tertiary studies including
        Systematic literature reviews that include a strong synthesis part
        Meta-analysis, qualitative and quantitative synthesis of studies
    Replication of empirical studies and families of studies

Topics commonly addressed using an empirical approach include, but are not limited to:

    Evaluation and comparison of software technologies
    Evaluation and comparison of software development methods, techniques, and practices
    Modeling, measuring, and assessing product and/or process quality
    Modeling, measuring, and assessing software development productivity
    Defect and quality prediction
    Software cost and size estimation
    Software evolution
    Software verification and validation, including analysis and testing
    Evaluation and modeling of contemporary software systems (IoT, Industry 4.0, Context-Awareness Systems, Cyber-physical, among others)
    Human factors, teamwork, and behavioral aspects of software engineering

We welcome submissions on these meta-topics:

    Development, evaluation, and comparison of empirical approaches and methods
    Infrastructure for conducting empirical studies
    Techniques and tools for supporting empirical studies
    Empirically-based decision making

We also welcome submissions that:

    demonstrate multi-disciplinary work,
    transfer and apply empirical methods from other disciplines,
    replication studies, and
    studies with negative findings.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-19
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