Conference Information
CBI 2020: International Conference on Business Informatics
Submission Date:
2020-03-22 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Antwerp, Belgium
Viewed: 7802   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
22nd IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (IEEE CBI 2020) June 22–24, 2020, Antwerp, Belgium

The IEEE Conference Series on Business Informatics is the leading international forum for state-of-the-art research in Business Informatics. The 22nd IEEE CBI 2020, held in the city of Antwerp, calls for submissions in the multidisciplinary field of Business Informatics, and welcomes a multitude of theoretical and practical perspectives and mind-sets on today’s challenges of the digital transformation.

Call for Papers

The IEEE CBI series encourages a broad understanding of Business Informatics research, and intends to further its many different facets, theoretical foundations and experiential body of knowledge. In doing so, the CBI series has proven to be a fertile ground for research with high impact, and a hub for multidisciplinary research with contributions from Management Science, Organization Science, Economics, Information Systems, Computer Science, and Informatics.

In line with this, the CBI series aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from various fields and backgrounds that contribute to the construction, use and maintenance of information systems and their organizational use contexts. A dedicated goal of the CBI series of conferences is to bring together researchers from different fields and disciplines to stimulate discussion, synergy and collaboration. Accordingly, CBI conferences use a format that enables in depth discussions among researchers during the conference. The benefits of such a cross disciplinary conception are contrasted by a challenge: Authors who submit a paper take the risk to be assessed by standards that are different from those they are used to in their own research communities. The conference organization accounts for this challenge by involving renowned track chairs and program committee members from different fields and disciplines.

List of Tracks

    Enterprise Modelling, Engineering and Architecture
    Information Systems Engineering
    Artificial intelligence for Business
    Information Management
    Business Analytics and Business Data Engineering
    Industry 4.0 (Industry Applications)
    Business Innovations and Digital Transformation
    Data-Driven Business Applications
    General Topics


Manuscripts must be in English and are restricted to 10 pages in IEEE 2-coloumn template (A4). In the submission form, select the conference track that best fits with your manuscript’s topic, or choose “General Topics” if not covered by the tracks. Review process is double-blind; your names and affiliations must not be explicitly listed in the manuscript. However, you should keep all cited references in the submission’s bibliography intact. Further information for submission:

Accepted papers will be published as IEEE proceedings and submitted for integration into the IEEE Digital Library.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-20
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