Conference Information
GMAX 2020: IEEE Games, Multimedia, Animation and Multiple Realities Conference
Submission Date:
2020-03-08 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Barranquilla, Colombia
Viewed: 7102   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Creative industry has been a continuous growing economic sector in the world. The videogame industry alone is larger than the film and music industries together. Innovation, led by industry and academia, has been a powerful engine for constantly offering better experiences to the users, in both the entertainment and the corporate worlds.

This conference opens a space for researchers, government and private sector to discuss about the challenges in the Latin American region related to research and commercial advances in the creative industries related to videogames, multimedia, animation and multiple realities, which has a great potential for impacting society and local industry in a positive way by creating no only games but interactive solutions for education, training, health treatments, politics, art, among other applications.

Barranquilla, young city and modern since its foundation, has been the main development pole for the Caribbean region of Colombia, and it is open to adopt and design digital interactive solutions for the future cities in Latin America, the Caribbean and developing countries all around the world.

This conference wants to become a space to present current advances in research, development and innovation from academia and industry, in the area of videogames, multimedia, animation, multiple realities and other related areas, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, as a way to strengthen the ecosystem in the region.

This event is collocated with the Atlántico Video Game Summit, an industry-oriented event where distinguished actors from the videogame industry come to Barranquilla to share their experience on how to create companies, manage projects, sell games and have fun doing it. The IEEE GMAX conference joins the AVGS to promote dialogue between academia and industry, in order to impulse creativity and innovation.

IEEE GMAX 2020 seeks for English written high-quality papers presenting original results in all areas of robotics, automation, and related fields such as machine learning, computer vision and control engineering. Spanish written contributions can be submitted but will not be considered for publication. All submissions should use the IEEE Conference Template, US letter size format, with a maximum of 6 pages including references and figures. The template can be found in The papers must be sent via Easy Chair through the following link:

The proceedings of IEEE GMAX 2020 will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-05
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