Conference Information
IConDA 2019: International Conference on Computer & Drone Applications
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Kota Samarahan, Sarawak
Viewed: 7715   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The advancement in computer and drone applications is beyond human imagination, affecting and transforming the society, both structurally and socially. Exploitation of computer and drone technology is crucial to humankind in the futuristic world. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Drone Applications (IConDA) 2019, technically co-sponsored by IEEE, provides an excellent platform for sharing and networking among scientists, academicians, policy makers and stakeholders from government institutions, universities, Non-Government Organizations as well as industry or private sector. Come join us!

Conference tracks include, but are not limited to:

Computer Applications

Parallel & Distributed Systems ♦ Digital Reality & Virtual Environments ♦ Software & System Engineering ♦ Image and Signal Processing ♦ Games Applications ♦ Computer and Mathematical Modelling ♦ Cyber Security and Strategies ♦ Big Data ♦ Artificial Intelligence ♦ Emerging Computer Applications

Drone Applications

Control Systems ♦ Internet of Things (IoT) ♦ Automation & Robotics ♦ Remote Sensing & GIS ♦ Precision Agriculture ♦ Surveillance and Reconnaissance ♦ Emerging Drones Applications


All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for consideration to be indexed in the IEEE Xplore® database. (NOTE: IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.)

Selected presented papers will be invited to submit their extended version papers for consideration to be published in the following journals with additional fees (if applicable):

    Journal of Information Science and Engineering (Scopus-indexed, Publisher: Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica)
    Unmanned Systems (Scopus-indexed, Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd)
    International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability (IJSMS) (MyCite-indexed, Publisher: UiTM Sarawak)

Instruction for Submission

    Authors are invited to submit their original research papers.
    Only full paper will be considered and sent for peer review.
    Papers can be submitted only by electronic submission through IConDA “OpenConf” (link here) system. Author should take note of the following:
        Title provided should be exactly the same as the title of the paper submitted/uploaded
        Name of organization/affiliation provided shoud be complete 
        All required information (First name, Last name, Organization, Country, (institutional) Email address) should be provided
        Please also provide alternative contact (an alternative email or mobile phone number)
        Please specify the topic(s) [conference tracks] the paper belongs to
    The peer review process is double-blind (i.e. anonymized). This means that all submissions should not include information identifying the authors or their organisation.
        Specifically, DO NOT include the authors’ names and affiliations or any acknowledgement statements in the paper. An author may add this information later once the paper has been accepted.
    The page limit of the full paper is STRICTLY 4 – 6 pages in standard IEEE double-column format, including figures, tables, and references. Papers with less than 4 pages or more than 6 pages will be rejected without review.
    To submit a paper, please use the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings available here. Alternatively, you may download the Microsoft Word (A4) Template here or the LaTeX Template Instructions here. Papers that do not use the IEEE conference templates will be rejected without review.

    By submitting a paper to the conference, the authors:
        Agree to use the conference submission system provided by the conference by providing all necessary information required by the system
        Agree to the review process practised by the conference
        Declare that the paper or substantially similar form of the paper has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere
        Acknowledge that the paper or substantially similar form of the paper has not been and will not be submitted simultaneously to other conference or publication
        Understand that if their paper is accepted, they consent to have at least one of the authors to register and present their paper in the conference
        Understand that if the paper is accepted, registered, and presented in the conference, they will send in their camera ready paper (the instruction will be provided soon in the conference website and the conference submission system) to be published in the conference proceedings
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-11-02
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