Conference Information
FCRAR 2020: Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Melbourne, Florida, USA
Viewed: 7583   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
 Conference papers are invited in the following areas:

    Artificial Intelligence for Robots: Planning, Mapping, Localization, Interaction
    Robot Kinematics, Dynamics, and Controls
    Design and Modeling of Robotic Mechanical Systems
    Robot Applications and Software Development
    Serial and Parallel Manipulators
    Mobile and Humanoid Robots
    Autonomous and Unmanned Vehicles
    Micro and Nano Scale Robotics
    Automation and Teleoperation
    Biomedical and Assistive Robotics
    Control Theory and Applications
    Sensor Applications and Sensor Fusion
    Material Science in Robotics and Mechatronic Applications
    Machine Vision
    Education issues related to Robotics, Automation, and Mechatronics

Conference robotics Showcase projects can be in one of the following forms:

    robot prototype
    poster board

Expo submissions may include any of the above, but especially:

    K-12 student robotics and STEAM projects
    Undergraduate robotics and mechatronic projects
    Competition robots
    Community outreach in robotics and related areas (including maker spaces)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-09-08
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