Conference Information
NETs 2019: International Conference on Internet Studies
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Nagoya, Japan
Viewed: 10832   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
The 2019 International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs 2019) will be held on April 6-8, 2019 in Nagoya, Japan. This conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange research results and share development experiences on Internet studies.
The upcoming NETs 2019 proceeding covers, but not limited to the following areas:
Track 1: AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data Analytics
Automation, Personalization, and Targeting
AI and autonomous agent systems in e-commerce 
Automated shopping, trading, and contract management 
Recommendation, reputation, and trust systems 
Advertising and marketing technology 
Sponsored web search, viral marketing 
Databases and data mining 
Machine learning for e-commerce applications 
Mobile and location-based services 
Search and information retrieval for e-commerce
Track 2: Mobile Network and Cloud Computing
Architecture and Virtualization
Cloud Services and Applications
Storage, Data, and Analytics Clouds
Data Analytics in Cloud
Cloud Programming Models
Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds
Cloud Migration
Green and Energy Management of Cloud Computing
IoT and Mobile on Cloud
Self-service Cloud Portal, Dashboard, and Analytics
Social and Mobile Clouds
Distributed Cloud / Cloud Brokering / Edge and Fog Computing
Service management automation
Track 3: Security, Privacy, Encryption, and Digital Rights
Intellectual property and digital rights management 
Digital payment systems 
Privacy-enhancing technologies 
Economics of information security and privacy
Track 4: Software and System Engineering for Electronic Commerce
Requirements elicitation and analysis approach
Architecture design
Testing approach and quality assurance
Performance evaluation and improvement
System maintenance and management
Track 5: E-Business
Supply chain management and systems (SCM)
Customer relationship management and systems (CRM)
Enterprise resource planning management and systems (ERP)
Fintech, blockchain, online payment, bitcon
Track 6: EC, Online Retailing, Internet Marketing and Advertising
Electronic commerce and mobile commerce
Internet advertising
Internet banking
Online community and social networking
Online behavior
Online retailing
Online marketing 
Service science on internet
Trust issue 
Track 7: Cyber Society and Education
Applications of e-learning
Campus information systems
Computer aided assessments
Computer and education
Crime prevention in cyber society
Cyber law and cyber crime
E-learning evaluation and content
E-learning technologies, standards and systems
Ethic in cyber society
Internet addiction
Internet security
Knowledge management
Mobile learning
Multimedia in e-learning
Organization learning
Practices and cases in cyber society
Role and mission of cyber police
Systems and technologies issues
Virtual learning environments 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-09-14
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