Conference Information
ICAPM 2025: International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Tokyo, Japan
Viewed: 8407   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Submitted paper will be peer reviewed. All accepted papers will be published into ICAPM 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will be published through the IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Conference Series is an open-access proceeding publication indexed by ISI Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index), Scopus, Ei Compendex, etc.

The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Advances in Instrumentation and Techniques
Applications of Microscopy in the Physical Sciences
Applied Materials Science & Engineering
Applied Non-linear Physics
Applied Optics, Non-linear optics, Laser Physics, Ultrafast phenomena, Lasers application to Medicine, Chemistry
Applied Solid State Physics/Chemistry and Materials Science and Technology Advanced Materials
Astrophysics and Plasma Physics
Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics
Biomaterials Science and Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering, Medical/Biological Physics, Health Physics, Biomechanics
Biophysics, Bio (electro) magnetism, Biophysical Chemistry
Complex systems
Computational Physics, Non-linear Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
Engineering and Industrial Physics, Instrumentation, Metrology and Standards
Environmental Physics
Imaging Techniques, Microscopy
Large-code development
Medical Physics
Methodological advances
Nanoscale physics
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology
Non-equilibrium systems
Nuclear Physics/Chemistry, Radioactivity, Radiochemistry, Radiation Safety
Nuclear Sciences and Engineering
Particle Physics
Petascale computing
Physical Chemistry
Physical Properties of Biological/Biomedical Systems through Microscopy
Plasma physics
Optical Physics, Quantum Electronics and Photonics
Quantum Physics
Quantum Monte Carlo
Radiation Physics, Radiation Chemistry, Radiation Processing, Radiation-Matter interaction, Spectroscopies
Radioactivity and Radiochemistry, Radiation Protection and Safety Issues
Semiconductors devices and Photonics, Opto-electronics, Quantum Electronics
Soft and granular matter
Solid State Physics
Surfaces, Interfaces and Colloids
Applied Mathematics and Engineering: Modeling, Analysis and Computation
Applied partial differential equations
Numerical analysis and methods
Scientific computation
Mathematical methods in optics and electromagnetics
Mathematical modeling in materials science and biology
Nonlinear problems in mechanics
Homogenisation and multiscale analysis
Inverse problems
Algebra and its application
Differential equations, dynamical systems and their applications
Engineering applications and scientific computations
Financial and actuary mathematics
Fuzzy mathematics and its applications
Geometry and its application
Modeling and simulation
Statistical methods in technical and economic sciences and practice
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-09-08
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