Conference Information
DMIAF 2017: Digital Media Industry & Academic Forum
Submission Date:
2017-05-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Athens, Greece
Viewed: 8631   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The International Digital Media Industry and Academic Forum (DMIAF), technically sponsored by IEEE, is a forum that brings together researchers from academia and industry, and industry executives with diverse experience and activity in distinct, yet complementary areas, to discuss the development of emerging and next-generation Digital Media technologies, applications, and services. The program will include keynote addresses by industry executives, special sessions focused on industry-centered topics, presentations of novel research results, and industry-led panels. The forum will be held in Athens, Greece. A rich social program will complement the technical one.

DMIAF 2017 will bring contributions from a wide range of areas, which include but are not limited to

    Social Media
    Professional Content Production
    Archiving, Storage, and Compression
    IPTV: IP/Mobile TV
    Digital Cinema
    Quality of Experience and Quality of Service
    Light Field & Holography

    Virtual & Augmented Reality
    Interactive Media
    HDR, Stereoscopic, UHD Displays
    Digital Media for Health and Wellness
    Emerging Technologies in Digital Media
    3D Technologies
    Image & Video Capturing
    Analysis, Indexing, Retrieval
    Media Communications
    Digital Rights Management

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers (not more than five pages) for presentations at the conference and publication in the IEEE DMIAF 2017 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore. Submission Instructions, templates for the required paper format, and other information are available at:

A significant number of special sessions will be organized by leading industry experts in emerging application areas. Proposals for Special Sessions are also solicited and should be sent directly to the respective chairs. They present leaders in a particular area, discussing a topic of interest within the scope of the forum. Proposals for Special Sessions should consist of a 150-word abstract, a 1000-word summary, and a cover page listing details of the organizers/author(s). 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-05-22
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