Conference Information
SYNASC 2021: International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
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Timisoara, Romania
CORE: c   Viewed: 14846   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
=== Tracks ===

    * Symbolic Computation

        + computer algebra
        + symbolic techniques applied to numerics
        + hybrid symbolic and numeric algorithms
        + numerics and symbolics for geometry
        + programming with constraints, narrowing

    * Numerical Computing

        + iterative approximation of fixed points
        + solving systems of nonlinear equations
        + numerical and symbolic algorithms for differential equations
        + numerical and symbolic algorithms for optimization
        + parallel algorithms for numerical computing
        + scientific visualization and image processing

    * Logic and Programming

        + automatic reasoning
        + formal system verification
        + formal verification and synthesis
        + software quality assessment
        + static analysis
        + timing analysis

    * Artificial Intelligence

       + knowledge discovery, representation, and management
       + automated reasoning, uncertain reasoning, and constraint strategies 
       + recommender and expert systems
       + intelligent systems, agents, and networks
       + agent-based complex systems
       + AI-based systems for scientific computing
       + machine learning, including deep learning models and technologies
       + explainable and trustworthy AI
       + information retrieval, data mining, text mining and web mining
       + computational intelligence - including fuzzy, neural and evolutionary computing
       + AI applications: natural language processing, computer vision, signal processing, stock    
         market, computational neuroscience, robotics, autonomous vehicles, medical diagnosis, 
         cybersecurity, digital design, online education

    * Distributed Computing

        + modelling of parallel and distributed systems 
        + parallel and distributed algorithms 
        + architectures for parallel and distributed systems.    
        + applications for parallel and distributed systems,
        + acceleration of AI or Big Data  applications using distributed and parallel computing
        + networked intelligence and Internet of Things

    * Theory of Computing

       + data structures and algorithms
       + combinatorial optimization
       + formal languages and combinatorics on words
       + graph-theoretic and combinatorial methods in computer science
       + algorithmic paradigms, including distributed, online,
         approximation, probabilistic, game-theoretic algorithms
       + computational complexity theory, including structural complexity, boolean 
        complexity, communication complexity, average-case complexity, derandomization 
        and property testing
       + logical approaches to complexity, including finite model theory
       + algorithmic and computational learning theory
       + aspects of computability theory, including computability in
         analysis and algorithmic information theory
       + proof complexity
       + computational social choice and game theory
       + new computational paradigms: CNN computing, quantum,
         holographic and other non-standard approaches to computability
       + randomized methods, random graphs, threshold phenomena and
         typical-case complexity
       + automata theory and other formal models, particularly in
         relation to formal verification methods such as model
         checking and runtime verification
       + applications of theory, including wireless and sensor networks,
         computational biology and computational economics
       + experimental algorithmics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-08-08
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