Conference Information
ISAAI 2019: International Symposium on Applied Artificial Intelligence
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Munich, Germany
Viewed: 7591   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Your are invitied to submit novel and unpublished regular papers for ISAAI’19 in the following areas:

AI integration in practice
analysis of application areas and data sources
experience and technical reports on use cases and implementations
human-in-the-loop and education on AI
AI goals, benefits and challenges
understanding history: from data mining to reasoning
anticipating the future: predictive maintenance from machines to humans
handling uncertainty and open systems
rigorous engineering of AI systems
AI algorithms and techniques
cognitive technologies, autonomous techniques and robotics
natural language processing, deep learning and machine learning
search algorithms and optimization
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-06-30
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