Conference Information
ATC' 2024: International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications Date: |
2024-06-30 Extended |
Notification Date: |
2024-07-30 |
Conference Date: |
2024-10-17 |
Location: |
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |
Viewed: 9634 Tracked: 1 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications is an annual conference series, since 2008, co-organized by the Radio & Electronics Association of Vietnam (REV) and the IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc). The goal of the series is twofold: to foster an international forum for scientific and technological exchange among Vietnamese and worldwide scientists and engineers in the fields of electronics, communications and related areas, and to gather their high-quality research contributions. In 2024, the ATC conference will be held in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam during October 17-19 and hosted by Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology. The conference will feature prominent invited speakers as well as papers by top researchers from all over the world. COMMUNICATIONS TRACK Communication Theory Information & Coding Theory Communication Quality, Reliability & Modelling Wireless Communications Machine learning for Digital Communications Deep learning and Applications in Communications System NETWORKS TRACK Ad hoc & Sensor Networks Computer Communications Optical Networking Satellite Communications High-Speed Networking Network Operations & Management SIGNAL PROCESSING TRACK Signal, Image and Video Processing Signal Processing for Communications Signal Processing for Big Data Signal Processing for the IoTs Bio-Imaging and Biomedical Signal Processing Telemedicine and E-hospital Biomechanics INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TRACK Emerging IC technologies VLSI Design Automation Digital, Analog and Mixed-Signal ICs and Systems RF IC Front-end and Transceivers Low Power Design ELECTRONICS TRACK Internet of Things and Sensors Embedded Systems Automation, Robotics and Control Consumer and Automotive Electronics Smart electronic systems MICROWAVE ENGINEERING TRACK Microwave Theory & Techniques RF, Microwave Circuits, Systems & Applications Millimeter Wave, THz Technologies and Systems Power Amplifier Devices and Circuits ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION TRACK Antenna Systems Integrated Antennas, Active Adaptive and Smart Antennas Electromagnetic Scattering, Channel Measurement and Propagation Computational Methods for Wave Propagation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-06-08
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