Conference Information
ICDATA 2020: International Conference on Data Science
Submission Date:
2024-06-04 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Viewed: 9217   Tracked: 5   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
We invite you to attend ICDATA’24 and to submit papers. ICDATA’24 offers a 4 day single-track conference, keynote speeches by world renowned scientists, special sessions and free tutorials on all aspects of data science. In the past, the data science conference has attracted a lot of presentations in formal sessions plus keynotes, and excellent tutorials, with a lot of attendees plus many more visitors from other conferences of the congress.
For further information on the 2024 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE’24) and its conferences, please use the following link: CSCE’24

ICDATA’24 is part of CSCE’2024. ICDATA’24 is an international conference for academics and practitioners held simultaneously with other joint conferences as part of CSCE’24, the 2024 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. CSCE’24 is among the top five largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer engineering, data science, artificial intelligence, STEM, and applied computing. We anticipate to have attendees from about 75 countries and territories. Participants range from established researchers on Professorial level, starting researchers (post-doc, PhD, Masters and Bachelor level) and contract researchers unto practitioners applying all aspects of data science in private or public companies or research institutions. Each of the joint conferences in CSCE is a premier conference for presentation of advances in their respective fields. We anticipate having between 1,000 and 2,000 participants in the congress. The congress includes 21 major tracks composed of: 122 technical, research, and panel sessions as well as a number of keynote lectures and tutorials; all will be held simultaneously, same location and dates: July 22-25, 2024. This year’s Congress will be a hybrid event that combines a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component. We anticipate that most speakers will physically be attending (ie, most talks are expected to be face-to-face).

ICDATA attendees have full access to all sessions and tutorials of all other conferences‘ sessions, tracks, and planned tutorials (complete list of the 21 joint conferences) as well as to the ICDATA social programme. CSCE is one of the largest annual conferences and promises many opportunities to present your work to an large, interdisciplinary audience and to extend our professional network. Each conference will have its own proceedings which will be indexed.

Last year, the Congress had attracted speakers/authors and participants affiliated with over 158 different universities (including many from the top 50 ranked institutions), major IT corporations (including: Microsoft, Google, Apple, SAP, Facebook, Oracle, Amazon, Yahoo, Samsung, IBM, Ebay, GE, Siemens, Philips, Ericsson, BAE Systems, Hitachi, NTT, Twitter, Uber Technologies, …), major corporations (including: Exxon Mobil, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase, PetroChina, GlaxoSmithKline, HSBC, Airbus, Boeing, Hyundai, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, …), government research agencies (NSF, NIH, DoE, US Air Force, NSA National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, …), US national laboratories (including, NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ANL Argonne National Lab, Sandia National Lab, ORNL Oak Ridge National Lab, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Los Alamos National Lab, Pacific Northwest National Lab, …), and a number of Venture Capitalists as well as distinguished speakers discussing Intellectual Property issues. Last year, 54% of attendees were from academia, 25% from industry; 20% from government and funding agencies; and 1% unknown. About half of the attendees were from outside USA; from 69 nations.

An important mission of the Congress is to provide a unique platform for a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers, developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities (such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies, and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives.

ICDATA attracts quality papers & presentations. The data science conference has been highly ranked in the past. Please to not confuse ICDATA (formerly DMIN) with other „multi-conferences“ with approximately 100% acceptance rates. The conference maintains its own program committee and manages its own thorough and objective review process of at least 2 independent reviewers (leading academics & practitioners). Over the past years, ICDATA has an average acceptance rate of approximately 40 to 50%. While this rate is not as low as for some top-tier conferences, it is respectable and still allows researchers from less developed countries to actively participate in the conference.

Publication & Indexing. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE CPS in the proceedings of Congress (CSCE). Extended versions of selected papers of the conference will also appear in journals and edited research books (Springer, Elsevier, BMC, …) The published proceedings can be accessed via web portals, CPS, other Digital libraries.

In addition, like prior years, extended versions of selected papers will appear in journals and edited research books; publishers include, Springer, Elsevier, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, IEEE Access, and others. Each book in each series will be subject to publishers‘ science indexing products (which includes: Scopus,; SCI Compendex, EI Compendex,; EMBASE,; Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Web of Science; Inspec; ACM digital library; Google Scholar; EBSCO; ProQuest; and others). See the web link below for a small subset of such publications: (some of these books and journal special issues have already received the top 25% downloads in their respective fields and/or identified as „Highly Accessed“ by publishers and/or science citation index trackers.)

Past conference proceedings can be accessed via IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

See the web links below for a very small subset of publications based on papers accepted in the CSCE/CSCI proceedings:

There are nine additional books in the publication pipeline.

In 2024, the proceedings will be published by IEEE CPS.

The published papers can also be viewed via IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Ei Compendex, and other science indexation systems.

Some special issues based on the conference can be found here:

Feeling about the conference. To get a feeling about the conferences‘ atmosphere, see some delegates photos available at (over 2,000 photos):

Photo Gallery

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) all aspects of Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Big Data, … including: (see topics for details)

Methods & Algorithms
Tasks & Processes
ApplicationsTools & Software
Data Warehousing
Big Data
We welcome contributions through research papers and industrial reports/case studies on applications in form of full/regular research papers of up to 8 pages, double-column IEEE style, which will be presented in plenary presentations and poster sessions. In addition, we welcome short research papers & industry reports of up to 5 pages as well as extended abstracts & poster papers of up to 3 pages which will be presented in informal poster sessions.

Please have a look at the Call for Papers for more information (and please have a look at the current deadlines below).

Location: Luxor (MGM), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Non-Attendance Policy/Presentation Modes due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 – please see info here.



Due to numerous requests, the paper submission deadline is extended as shown below. Authors who have submitted their papers in response to earlier announcements, will receive the decision/status report of their papers according to the original announced dates.

Authors who have already received a decision on their papers are to follow the instructions and tthe deadlines that appeared in the notification that they have already received.

June 4, 2024: Submission of papers (see categories above)
Full/Regular Research Papers (max of 8 pages)
Short Research Papers (max of 5 pages)
Abstract/Poster Papers (max of 3 pages)
Revolving Date: Notification of acceptance
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be emailed between 12 and 21 days after the submission date.
Revolving Date: Final papers
Due Date for uploading the final manuscripts to the IEEE CPS publication portal will appear in the notification that will be sent to the authors of accepted papers.
Revolving Date: Registration
The deadline will appear in the notifications thatwill be sent to the authors of accepted papers. Online Registration System:
June 15, 2024: Please email your presentation option to the congress.
This year’s Congress will be a hybrid event that combines a „live“ in-person event with a „virtual“ online component. We anticipate that most speakers will physically be attending (ie, most talks are expected to be face-to-face).
June 28, 2024: Venue & Hotel Reservation.
July 22-25, 2024: The 2024 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE’24: USA); Including all affiliated federated/joint conferences
Last updated by Chao Yan in 2024-05-31
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