Conference Information
COOL Chips 2025: IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems
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Tokyo, Japan
Viewed: 9470   Tracked: 0   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
COOL Chips is an International Symposium initiated in 1998 to present advancement of low-power and high-speed chips and systems. The symposium covers leading-edge technologies in all areas of microprocessors and their applications. The COOL Chips 28 is to be held in Tokyo on April 16-18, 2025, and is targeted at the architecture, design and implementation of chips and systems with special emphasis on the areas listed below. All papers are published online via IEEE Xplore. Especially, selected papers are encouraged to submit to the IEEE Micro and the special section in the IEICE Transactions on Electronics.

Contributions are solicited in the following areas:

    Low Power-High Performance Processors for AI, IoT, Multimedia, Digital Consumer Electronics, Mobile, Graphics, Encryption, Robotics, Automotive, Networking, Medical, Healthcare, and Biometrics.
    Novel Architectures and Schemes for Single Core, Multi/Many-Core, NoC, Embedded Systems, Reconfigurable Computing, Grid, Ubiquitous, Dependable Computing, GALS and 3D Integration.
    Cool Software including Parallel Schedulers, Embedded Real-time Operating System, Binary Translations, Compiler Issues and Low Power Application Techniques.

Proposals should be organized  in a full paper format (6 pages) or an extended abstract format (up to 3 pages) describing the topic to be presented.  Both full papers and extended abstracts will be reviewed and judged under the same criteria (originality, significance, technical soundness, and superiority of results) and selected to deliver a more attractive program for the audience.

If the proposal is a not-yet-announced product, and you would like to keep the submission confidential, please indicate it. We will do our best to maintain confidentiality.  Proposals will be selected by the program committee’s evaluation of interest to the audience.  Please prepare the proposal using the given guidelines and template.  Submission should be made through website.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-12
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