Conference Information
ISEBC 2019: International Symposium on Entrepreneurship, Blockchain and Crypto-Finance
Submission Date:
2019-02-17 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Tunis, Tunisia
Viewed: 6995   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The  conference  organizers  invite  submission  of  both  theoretical  and  empirical  papers  (in  PDF  files)  relating,  but  not  limited,  to:  


    Bitcoin Phenomenon 
    Future of cryptocurrencies
    Trading cryptocurrencies
    Modeling of price and volatility of cryptocurrencies
    Initial Coin Offering: Challenges and Opportunities
    How does Blockchain technology impact corporate governance?


    What  are the benefits and challenges of using Blockchain technologies for business organizations?
    How Blockchain is empowering businesses and communities? 
    Marketing  -  how  not  to  merge  a  budget  for  a  Blockchain  project 
    Blockchain  for  enterprise  and  business  -  challenges  and  opportunities 
    Digital  innovation,  Entrepreneurship, and  Blockchain 
    Entrepreneurship  Education  and  Blockchain 


    What  are the legal and ethical implications  of Blockchain technologies?   
    Building  relationships  with  clarity  and  transparency:  simplifying  PR  for  Token  sales  and  Blockchain  ventures  Supply  chain  management  and  Blockchain  technologies   
    Smart  contracts  management 
    Cybersecurity  and  Blockchain  technologies 

Operational  and  Applications 

    Real  world  applications  of  Blockchain  technologies 
    Will  Blockchain  drive the evolution of the gaming industry? 
    Socially  important  projects  -  what  sphere  critically  needs  to  be  changed  with  Blockchain  Scalability:  when,  where,  how 
    Linking  entrepreneurship,  Blockchain, and  crypto-finance   
    Social  entrepreneurship  and  crypto-finance 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-02-03
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