Conference Information
CAI 2019: International Conference on Algebraic Informatics
Submission Date:
2019-01-25 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Nis, Serbia
Viewed: 8943   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas of interest (ordered alphabetically). Papers covering other areas will be given due consideration by the program committee.

    ●abstract machines or systems
    ●acceptors and transducers for discrete structures
    ●algebraic and combinatorial methods in design theory
    ●algebraic aspects of cryptography
    ●algebraic characterization of logical theories
    ●algebraic coding theory
    ●algebraic semantics
    ●algebraic specifications and algorithms
    ●algorithms for construction and classification of designs
    ●complexity problems in design theory
    ●computational number theory
    ●decision problems
    ●evolutionary algorithms
    ●exact algorithms
    ●finite and infinite computations
    ●formal power series
    ●hybrid automata
    ●implementation of symbolic algorithms
    ●molecular computing
    ●neural networks
    ●process algebra
    ●program construction and refinements
    ●quantitative automata models
    ●quantum computing
    ●symbolic mathematical computation
    ●term rewriting
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-01-13
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