Conference Information
ICTSST 2019: International Conference on Tourism and Social Support Technologies
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Conference Date:
Lamego, Portugal
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Call For Papers
Information technologies and telecommunications are increasingly present in our daily lives, whether in mobile devices, radio equipment, monitoring of stocks in commercial spaces, among others. We intend with this conference to bring to the discussion the application of state-of-the-art information and communication technologies, essentially in the areas of social intervention and tourism. These two aspects are focused on the monitoring of users of social solidarity institutions and clients of tour operators at various levels (monitoring, real-time analysis, assistive robotics, support technologies, etc.). 
Researchers, academics, students and other interested parties are invited to submit their original research papers to ICTSST 2019, which we hope will contribute to a better society. ICTSST 2019 is an excellent opportunity for groups of researchers and academics to meet and create collaborative partnerships and networks.

Each author can submit one (at most 2) of the following works:
a) Abstract (sending by e-mail)
b) Full article (submited by Openconf)

- Work received in a) will be reviewed in a short time: 5 to 10 work days, proposing, if accepted, for full article. In this case the submission of the final article will apply as deadline, the date defined for b), but may, however, have a possible extension of the deadline. Papers received in a) that are accepted by the review team, but which are not complemented with a complete article, will be proposed for presentation in the poster typology.
- Work received in b) will be reviewed, and if accepted, the final version should be sent by the date of registration, so that it can be proposed for Millenium journal and for presentation at the conference.

We invite you to submit your original research abstracts, full papers, case studies among others, before the final submission deadline. All research papers will be evaluated by internationally recognized scholars in a double-blind review process.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

    Wearable, ambient and wellness measurement and monitoring technologies
    Service and socially assistive technology for monitoring
    Tools, and techniques for designing, implementing and deploying pervasive applications in assistive environments
    Sensor networks for pervasive health care
    Robotics and automation in assistive living systems
    User Interfaces, usability and flexibility
    Cognitive behavior analysis and monitoring
    Privacy, security and risk analysis of data sharing in assistive environments
    Computer-aided Physical therapy and occupational therapy systems
    Human centered computing and the senior citizen
    Social, ethical, legal and e-government issues in healthcare and aging
    Social impacts of the use of pervasive technologies, government policy & access global healthcare, citizen standards and interoperability
    Application of ICTs to tourism issues such as sustainability and social responsibility
    Mobile technologies applied to sustainable tourism
    Tourism research in providing innovative solutions to societal problems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-10-27
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