Conference Information
ICFCA 2019: International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis
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Frankfurt, Germany
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Call For Papers
We invite contributions on all aspects of Formal Concept Analysis, including but not limited to:

    Fundamental aspects of FCA
        FCA theory
        Lattice theory
        Lattice drawing
        Philosophical foundations
        Algorithms and complexity theory
    Bridging FCA to information sciences and artificial intelligence
        FCA and logic (e.g., semantic web, description logics)
        FCA and conceptual structures (e.g., concept graphs, knowledge spaces)
        FCA and data analysis (e.g., hierarchical classification, data organization)
        FCA and data mining (e.g., pattern mining)
        FCA and information retrieval (e.g. exploratory search, navigation, querying)
        FCA and machine learning (e.g., learning with hypothesis, feature selection)
        FCA and database theory (e.g., dependencies, rules, data cubes)
        FCA and software engineering
        FCA and morphological mathematics
    Understanding, modelling real-world data and phenomena with FCA
        Analysis of “big data” with FCA (e.g., sampling, parallel computing)
        Analysis of social networks and their dynamics
        Applications for scientific data analysis (e.g., in biology or health care)
        Applications for sensors data and user interactions traces
        Other FCA applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-10-20
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