Conference Information
COINS 2025: International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent systems
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Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Call For Papers
Are you interested in taking part in shaping and adding new dimensions to the future IoT and AI
ecosystem? Do you want to stay ahead and learn about the most prominent digital technologies
that are radically shifting the paradigm? Or are you just curious about what IoT, AI, and Big Data are
all about and how they impact every aspect of our lives, society, and business? IEEE COINS
( is the right place to be. IEEE COINS brings together experts in Digital
Transformation (from AI and IoT to Cloud, low power design, security, privacy, and robotics) from
around the globe.

IEEE COINS includes a multi-disciplinary program, from technical research papers to panels,
workshops, and tutorials on the latest technology developments and innovations. IEEE COINS will
address all important aspects of the of the IoT/AI ecosystem.

IEEE COINS solicits papers and proposals accompanying submissions for presentations in the following
topical and vertical tracks:

Topical Area Tracks

1. Internet of Things: From Edge to Cloud
2. Sensing Devices and Systems for AIoT
3. Circuits and Systems (CAS) Designs AIoT
4. Communications and Networking for AIoT
5. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and
Cognitive Computing
6. Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain
7. Low Power Design and Automation
8. Security and Privacy
9. Intelligent Robots and Systems
10. Embedded AI
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-28
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