Conference Information
CMES 2018: International Conference of Computational Methods in Engineering Science
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Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
Viewed: 6767   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The main objective of the 3rd CMES conference is development of engineering sciences, numerical and experimental techniques, broaden experience and good practices by representatives of the scientific community and industry. Conference allows exchange of knowledge between different research domestic and foreign centres representing various fields of engineering science and technology.

The organizers of the conference are Department of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Aircraft Propulsion, Department of Machine Engineering Fundamentals and Mechatronics, Department of Materials Engineering from Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Organisation of Enterprise (Faculty of Management), Institute of Renewable Energy Engineering (Faculty of Environmental Engineering), Self-Government of Doctoral Students, as well as Polish Association for Knowledge Promotion.


    Analysis of engineering processes
    Application of computer programs in technology
    Computational and artificial intelligence
    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
    Computational methods in electrical engineering
    Computer methods in applied physics
    Computer simulations of processes and phenomena
    Evaluation of technological processes
    Exploitation and machine building
    FEM, BEM
    Material properties and structure research methods
    Probability, statistics and quality control
    Production engineering
    and related topics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-05-20
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