Conference Information
ICITES 2025: International Conference on Intelligent Technology and Embedded Systems
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Conference Date:
Huzhou, China
Viewed: 2745   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. All accepted papers will be published by conference proceedings.

We invite submissions of high-quality papers describing fully developed results or ongoing work on the following topics and related areas, but are not limited to:

    Track 1: Embedded Processor and System on Chip
    Track 2: Modeling and Design Automation
    Track 3: Safety, Security and Reliability
    Track 4: Embedded Machine Learning
    Track 5: Accelerators and Heterogeneous System
    Track 6: Communication and Memory Subsystem
    Track 7: Embedded Operating Systems and Middleware
    Track 8: Real-time and Distributed Intelligent Systems
    Track 9: Embedded System for IoT & Signal Processing
    Track 10: Industrial Practices and Case Studies

    Special Session 1: Intelligent and embedded computing for electric power systems
    Special Session 2: AI and embedded systems for computer vision and multimedia
    Special Session 3: Trustworthy AI for embedded applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-03-09
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