Conference Information
KI 2019: German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
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Kassel, Germany
Viewed: 9504   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
KI 2019 will have a special focus on “AI methods for Argumentation” and we especially invite contributions that use methods from all areas of AI to understand, formalize or generate argument structures in natural language. The special focus will be organized in cooperation with the DFG funded priority program “RATIO: Robust Argumentation Machines”. 

Besides this special focus, KI 2019 invites original research and application papers on all aspects of AI research, including but not limited to the following: 

    Agent-based and multi-agent systems 
    AI applications and innovations
    Argumentation in AI
    Belief change
    Cognitive modelling
    AI and psychology
    Commonsense reasoning
    Computer vision
    Constraint satisfaction, search, and optimization
    Diagnosis and configuration
    Evolutionary computation
    Game playing and interactive entertainment
    Information retrieval, integration, and extraction
    Interactive and automated theorem proving
    Knowledge engineering and ontologies
    Knowledge representation and reasoning
    Knowledge discovery and data mining
    Machine learning
    Multidisciplinary AI
    Natural language processing
    Nonmonotonic reasoning and default logics
    Philosophical foundations of AI 
    Planning and scheduling
    Recommender systems
    Responsible AI, normative reasoning
    Uncertainty in AI
    Web and information systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-12-23
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