Conference Information
S+SSPR 2018: IAPR Joint International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition and Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recongnition
Submission Date:
2018-05-01 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Beijing, China
Viewed: 8400   Tracked: 2   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
S+SSPR 2018 is a joint biannual event organized by Technical Committee 1 (Statistical Pattern Recognition Technique) and Technical Committee 2 (Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition) of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR). Following the trend of previous editions, S+SSPR 2018 will be held in close proximity and shortly before the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). This time the workshops will be hosted by Beihang University. Successful authors are invited to submit papers addressing any topic in statistical, structural or syntactic pattern recognition and their applications.

Related Special Issue
Papers from this conference will be invited to submit their substantially expanded papers to a Special Issue " Recent Advances in Statistical, Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition", which will be published in Pattern Recognition Letters in 2019.

Possible topics of interest include,but are not limited to:
SPR Topics

Classification; Prediction
Gaussian Processes; Randomized Algorithms
Multiple Classifiers; Ensemble Methods
Model Selection; Feature Selection
Dimensionality Reduction
Dissimilarity Representations
Metric Learning; Representation Learning
Multiple Instance Learning
Semi-Supervised Learning
Weakly-supervised Learning
Active Learning; Novelty Detection
Deep Learning; Neural Networks
Adversarial Learning; Reinforcement Learning
Transfer Learning; Domain Adaptation
Data Complexity; Data Modeling
Security of Machine Learning

SSPR Topics

Structural Matching
Structural Complexity
Syntactic Pattern Recognition
Graph-theoretic Methods
Graphical Models
Structural Kernels
Spectral Methods
Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition
Structured Text Analysis
Stochastic Structural Models
Intelligent Sensing Systems
Multimedia Analysis
Multimedia Retrieval
Image Document Analysis
Image Understanding
Shape Analysis
Last updated by Sun Peng in 2018-04-12
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