Conference Information
OSS 2018: International Conference on Open Source Systems
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Conference Date:
Athens, Greece
Viewed: 7194   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Open Source Enterprise Software and Solutions

    Open source software for private and public clouds
    Migration to open source software
    Open source software in Development and Operation tasks
    Scalability, reliability and security of FLOSS
    Container technologies and solutions
    Case studies and success stories

FLOSS as innovation

    Adoption / use / acceptance of FLOSS
    Publishing / dissemination / redistribution of FLOSS systems
    Expanding scientific research and technology development methods through openness
    Adopting innovation in FLOSS projects

FLOSS practices and methods

    FLOSS and traditional / agile development methods
    FLOSS and decentralized development
    Knowledge and documentation management in FLOSS

FLOSS technologies and applications

    Security of FLOSS
    Interoperability / portability / scalability of FLOSS
    Open standards / open data / open cloud / open hardware
    Reuse in FLOSS
    Architecture and design of FLOSS
    FLOSS for entertainment
    FLOSS for education
    FLOSS in the public sector
    FLOSS in new Technologies (IoT, Wearables, AR, etc.)

Economic / organizational / social issues of FLOSS

    Economic analysis of FLOSS
    Business models for FLOSS
    Maturity models for FLOSS
    FLOSS intellectual property, copyrights and licensing
    Non-Governmental Organizations and FLOSS

Integrating communities

    Challenges of building and maintaining open source communities
    Organization and interaction schemes in open source communities
    Models and classification schemes of communities
    Mining data from open source communities
    Experience reports and lessons about integrating communities
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-10-29
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