Conference Information
CogSIMA 2025: IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management
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Duisburg, Germany
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Call For Papers
Where Cognitive Science meets Computer Science

The CogSIMA conference series provides the premier venue for discussing complex heterogeneous dynamical systems - of interacting humans, machines, and computer agents - whose collective behavior depends on their cognitive capabilities to comprehend, explain, predict and act upon the surrounding operational situations.

Adhering to its successful interdisciplinary tradition, CogSIMA 2025 will provide a stimulating forum for scientists and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to advance the field of cognitive situation management, supported by the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society's Technical Committees on Cognitive Situation Management and Interactive and Wearable Computing and Devices. We aim to bring together researchers from computer science, human factors, cognitive science and artificial intelligence, modeling and simulation, robotics, systems engineering, and related areas, to progress towards this ambitious goal. 

Application areas include autonomous vehicles, command and control systems, disaster monitoring and recovery systems, human-robot teams, human-AI teaming, physical and cyber security situation awareness and cyber warfare systems, intelligent transportation systems, health care medical situation control systems, and many others. 

For questions concerning CogSIMA 2025 contact us at 

We look forward to seeing you in Duisburg!

Please consult for the most recent updates.

Topics of Interest

    Situation sensing, perception, comprehension, and prediction 
    “Big Data” analysis and social media processing for situation awareness
    Cognitive information fusion
    Integration of human and signal intelligence, cyber-physical-social systems 
    Models of collaboration and emergent behavior in cognitive multiagent systems
    Situation recognition in autonomous systems and  autonomous vehicles
    Situation assessment in Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning
    Generative AI and Explainable AI for situation awareness and situated human-machine interaction
    Cognitive Situation Management with Neuroergonomics and Brain-Machine Interface
    Biologically-inspired computational models of situation management
    Approaches to spatial and temporal reasoning, reasoning about goals, intentions and actions
    Models of human-machine collaboration
    Performance evaluation and metrics of human- machine systems including human-AI teaming
    Ontology-based computing, context modeling and discovery, situation modeling, representation and identification
    Systems, platforms and tools for situation awareness, situation control, and decision support
    System-level experiments and application-specific research
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-10-13
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